[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

ignoring mechanics to the point of ignoring claims
y a y

I kind of want your take on the Marshal-maybe-scumslip thing because I can feel myself confbiasing everything heā€™s said since


It dosenā€™t matter if he ā€œslipped wolfā€ or not, because heā€™s a wolf anyway

trust me, this kind of ā€œOH YEAH LOOK AT ME I ENCODED REACTION TEST INTO A PREVIOUS POSTā€ stuff is a classic wolf move. itā€™s the kind of thing where they canā€™t think of a reason why a villager would really want to do what they did but they need to be cleared, so they encode ā€œproofā€ into it deliberately so they can eliminate an explanation and look like a villager

also their content is otherwise terrible

blah blah blah subjectivity is implied, and Iā€™m not so sure about this one, but I donā€™t think my experience is going to let me down on this one

This was not in the OP but a decision on the matter has just been reached by the hosts so here it is.

The activity requirement cycle for this game operates on 36/24. This means that if someone does not post meaningful content in-game for 36 continous hours, they will be prodded, and if they fail to post any meaningful content for 24 continuous hours after that, they will be force replaced.

The continuous hours only clock for in-game day time, not night time. Posting meaningful content is different from just submitting sporadic fluff posts in an attempt to not get prodded or force replaced. Whether content is meaningful or not is up to the discretion of the hosts.

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Iā€™m sort of stuck on why anyone would ever post a fake wolfchat quote deliberately as a wolf and the Morse Code thing is probably too dumb to be fake

On the other hand itā€™s not like he has a super legitimate explanation for why he did it??

So what are we talking about

Kyo and Marshal feel like they could be a pair but lolDukeclaim

If a slot is set to need to be replaced based on these guidelines, but no replacement for the slot can be found within 48 in-game day hours, the slot will be modkilled.

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the thing is that we donā€™t know why a wolf would do something because weā€™re not in the damn chat
thatā€™s why I much prefer to see if somebody is demonstrating village motivation rather than demonstrating wolf motivation

wait heck is this post TMIing me as villa

The one by Ici to be clear

Iā€™m doing a discourse smh

Look, what Iā€™m trying to say is that Marshal can easily be a wolf: He can just be leveling us!
Whatā€™s important is if he had a good reason to do such a thing as make a ā€œfake wolfslipā€ with morse code in there as a failsafe as villa. And I donā€™t think he does, really. It dosenā€™t make sense as a reaction test, but it can read pretty well as a gambit.

I wanted to catch wolves having a hard time faking tone whatā€™s wrong with that?

Wolfy pop-in

see, this is the vaguest possible reason
why would a wolf not be able to see this coming?

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Iā€™ve been catching up and it just so happens Iā€™m the topic of discussion

okay fair

What do you think peopleā€™s reactions to your alleged reaction test told you about their alignment?