[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I don’t, both because I’d prefer not to stand out and because FoL is my “bored at work” game and its currently my weekend. Ill try and follow the convo until night but that’s mostly for my own benefit.


No D1 lynch. If you are an easily comfirmable class, being scumread is inconsequential.

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You mean the confirmability that doesn’t exist here with a starting convert.

I’m going to bed now.

Reminder for everyone that tonight scum can’t convert, so don’t use conversion protection abilities as they are a complete waste.

@Soulshade55r to you especially.

Everyone else,


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Thanks for the reminder I’ll keep it in mind

I’ll sleep soon I don’t know if it will be night once I have awoken

Marshal’s readslist: In order of posts at time of making.

Solic: Townread
Opener is NAI. I like his early content, both creating discussion and fleshing out reads. Good pushes. Im really getting thoses classic “solic in lotr” vibes where in which he solves d1 and probably dies n1. Their reads seem thought out and logical.

Datbird: Townread

I like encouraging me to be pure(even though we saw how that worked out). Activity tells point to town, meta points to town, and their encouraging of discussion is very town-dat-esque. I don’t think i need to say much more.

Kyodaz: Medium Scumlean

Im going to ignore the whole duke thing. I am not too sure about town kyodaz here. I remember reading that kyo’s scumtell is agenda and i can see quite a bit of it this game. I mean starting with a hardpush on the king is a little… ehh. A defend on eevee. A push on derps.

This… i missed. It was part of my reactiontest and was supposed to be a bad defense… but kyo agrees.

He did however defend me(and explain vulgard the right reasons of why it wasn’t actually a slip) and i’m conflicted on if he does that as scum. Maybe he just wanted to push vulgard, or buddy me? idk. His PKR read seems a little forced too. In the end, i’m conflicted but this is a medium scumlean.

Arete: Townread

Arete’s opener is okay… not really too much to glean from it but also no glaringly awful posts. Arete passed my reactiontest(disagree all you want), but arete pushed my “slip” hard and for good reasons. Also prods vulgard to adress my reactiontest while continually pushing me. After that arete kept up the same kind of tone as the pre-reactiontests, but is clearly moving things in a good direction. Townread.

SirDerpsAlot: The Alchemist(leaning scumsided)

I think derps really is the alchemist. Simply because i’m sure he’s not town doing some elaborate reactiontest, and i don’t see scum claiming that d1 and drawing all that attention to themselves. Also in his past games d1 neut worked so i wouldn’t be shocked that he did it again.

However. I think he is scumsided. For a few reasons

  1. It makes more sense for(claimed) alchemist to scumside here, as it turns them into a scum-sided neut and that seems like it helps you more to be scumsided neut than basically another town. Especially if you are scumread and expect to die or be executed.
  2. I don’t like his content.

he had claimed to select townwincon here… so isn’t he basically town? this seems weird.

This feels like someone who is telling the truth, but not the full truth. Like a MM who was checked K/O saying “I really am s/i.” the truth, not the full one.

Vulgard: lightscumlean

Opening posts is a little… meh. nothing glaringly bad… just nothing noteworthy at all. I like not being on the PKR bandwagon… but his reason is bad.

I don’t think anyone has TMI on the read. Everyone wants to know kings alignment. Even scum.

He ignores my reactiontest for a while. He does justify letting it go on(which, to his credit, i had missed). He claims he wants to get reactions… from my reactiontest. Which is a little concerning as i think town would want to call that out and dig into it a little more. He was either so convinced i was wolf that he didn’t even bother calling me out, or he is just lyin.

also i’ve said this post as scum to town(or maybe it was magnus in BFA) but i’m not much of a fan. This is just a tidbit.

anyways his denial that my “slip” was a reactiontest is not great. He constantly denies my soft, even though it’s true. Either he doesn’t understand that my behaviour after the post and up to the reveal was also reactiontesting, or he is w. @Vulgard did you not understand that my posts between “slip” and reveal of RT were also part of the RT?

I just… don’t like why and how he pushed me. he kinda goes back on it later and seems confused but i’m not the biggest fan of vulgard here. However, i can see where his posts come from V-Vul, and so he’s not the biggest scumread yet.

Icilabus: Misguided Townlean

Oh boy. This one’s a tough one. On one hand, he is deathtunneling me and basically sealing my death unless i confirm myself tonight. I actually think icilabus is misguided v who just doesn’t know much about my play. I think he has some okay points on why what i did wasn’t perfect, but also i don’t think has a grasp on my meta or playstyle. Pointless reactiontests are my thang, and i think he didn’t like the “pointlessishness” of my test.

this is the main point against me. and while this is supposed to be a list of who i think is town and scum, i’m gonna say why i dislike this point but also think it’s a point that makes sense from town ici’s perspective.

first, i allllways breadcrumb reactiontests. Not Doing so would make everyone question why i didn’t breadcrumb it this one time. I also wanted to be as wolfy as possible, and basically “eliminate” the chance that I could be town reactiontesting. If i hadn’t breadcrumbed it, i think half the game would still think i genuinely scumslipped. I don’t think the test could speak for itself here.

However, I’m pretty sure Ici is a MUer and in MU i think the meta is to not breadcrumb reactiontests and let them speak for themselves. And so, from his perspective, me breadcrumbing a reactiontest is a sign of insecurity instead of part of my lolreactiontest meta. Ici is misguided town, and i acutually really encourage him to read a few of my other games to maybe get a grasp on how i play.

Soulshade :crown:: Townread

I think this read is pretty simple. Everthing he does comes from a clear mindset and a townie one. Soulshade is looking to create and lead discussion. I don’t really see soulshade trying to lead town in a bad way. He wants to ask questions, and create discussion, and you can see that loud and clear. also he avoids OMGUS which i think is pretty good. V read

Sidenote: forgot ici was geyde but i didn’t really have much of a read on him so yeah

Jake: lightscumlean
jake’s first few posts are exactly what you expect. memeing. But then i can see a little agenda. The push on dat is… kinda strange ngl. jake’s push is fairly bold and i don’t really remember jake being pushy and assertive except in sfol00(scoom)

This is a very light/leany read but i don’t like the dat push so into the scumpile ya go.

Eevee: NULL
Okay so i looked at eevee’s Iso and i get… nothing. Eevee always does this, but damn. It’s eevee making(honestly pretty unfunny) jokes and the world’s dumbest of dumbass reactiontests. I get nothing. @eevee do something AI.

Isaac: NULL
Same as eevee. nothing ai in the fucking ISO. just memes and mech questions said in OP and 1 word posts. @Isaac_Gonzalez i know you were muted so you had less time, but do something AI.

Squid: NULL
first few posts complaining about being sick. I don’t see too much great reasoning and a little IIOA in their later isos. However, nothing to really incriminate on and i’m not seeing anything scum AI. I don’t get ici’s hype on squid. Nullpile you go

Wazza: NULL

aaaaaand it looks like i’m gonna end up writing this as a null as well because there isn’t… AI content in the ISO. There’s nothing. just talking about being sick and some non-game-related stuff. i would ping to do something but wazza asked not to and i will respect that.

Maxwell: Hostlean
I clicked the ISO button on this man for nothing. damnit marshal

Pkr’s iso… isnt good. I’ll give the anti-pkr gang that. There is some light scumreading on soul, some mech talk, and really not much else. PKR is easier to read under pressure. @PokemonKidRyan do anything please. for now, null you go, but scum is leaking a litte into my read for the meh content

Not bothering reads on under 10 posters or(or nonposters because obv) but i obviously want more content.

@Solic took me an hour but here they are.

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Could at least confirm you not being MM/Assassin. That’s a step towards a better goal.


Is there not MM/Assassin in this format?

are you a neutral?

be completely honest please

Duke/Marshal is the starting combo apparently. I guess reading formats isn’t my forte.

Why would that mean I’m neutral?

i was under the impression that you weren’t even aware this was a ROTBD-themed game at all.

Groupscum would know 100%
so would town with classcard.

Only a neut who got a regular neut card wouldn’t notice.

I’m torn between ‘townread Possessed for townslipping,’ ‘scumread Possessed for scumslipping,’ and ‘scumread Possessed for fake-townslipping’

I can’t read guys I’m sorry. For what its worth, its 100% genuine.

…So wait, you went back to the OP, looked at the class list, and came to the conclusion that Duke/Marshal were starting scum (when we’ve been spending half the day saying Kyo might be confirmed for his Duke claim)? :eyes:

I also didn’t read the thread, really. :expressionless: