[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

That’s what prods are for.

You must make 5000 posts per minute or I will go to your house and eat your food

MODKILLED, failed to meet the 10 second prod.


At the end of the day all players will be sorted by postcount and the bottom half will be modkilled

Perfect anti-slanking mechanism


i have the bee movie script on my side

ill just replace every instance of “bee” with “Arete is scum”

On-topic, game-relevant :upside_down_face:

bee is in the script 172 times

i think calling someone scum 172 times in one post is on topic

Firekitten approves.

What if every time someone did something obviously intended solely for the purpose of meeting the minimum requirement and not actually contributing, their post minimum doubled :thinking:

i’ll post the script twice

Then your postcount minimum will double twice :upside_down_face:

In any case, I expect you to have zero trouble with any minimum I might conceivably set

and ill post it twice twice :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think I was very active in this game actually

Force replace prod dodgers. :upside_down_face:

You have to be strict about rules as a host.


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i wasn’t slanking by any means but i don’t think i contributed nearly as much as i could have

i was pretty sure wazza was scum but i barely pushed it :eyes:

thsi is canned? nice i was scum

In fact the “10 post” count isn’t mentioned anywhere, so it’d be pretty stupid to force replace someone just because he had 9 posts with good content