/vote Jgoes
Why this vote?
I said my N1 action is not important, why do you think I would say that otherwise?
That’s gotta mean something.
I am going to ISO Jgoes then
It’s best I don’t say anything for now
Looks like readlist, however I am going to push him a bit for more reads
/vote Jgoesgaming
Why are you so susp Frost aahhh…
Pushing someone from inactivity is not sus.
You got what you wanted.
Also for a second I was happy Dat died then remembered that unseen is town here lmao
Poor sod, you are. Anything to share, fellow?
Hey nerds cold steel failed on derps
I healed myself
Lucky that you did
Why would you attack the unseen sided neut
Also that’s what I meant by resolving myself
If I tweeted someone with CS and they flip scum I’m as good as confirmed.
Less do with derps but lolherbaexhume
Why would you CS the town sided neut marshal
Can Unseen sided Alchemist even heal themselves?