Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That’s what I meant when I said that I think you would need to be very convincing to do that successfully.
Imo it’s easier to just start leaving fake associations when you are first suspected, unless you just aren’t and the check is ‘random’.

Level Three:Arete knows that I want to cause chaos. That’s why I’m just going to say “YOU ARE BOXED IN” using a RNG generator

Like my vote on simon d1 was before i pushed him and before i was outed. It worked as I knew I would want to tunnel him later

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Leafia isn’t bad at distancing. Scum just got mechanically fucked in BotF3.

In particualr light

If scum weren’t obviously minions then the Minstrel claim would make us trust the lynchees

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Squid’s entrance D2.

It was instantly outed. The moment I saw Squid’s vote I knew they had a check on me.

I don’t recall there being much discussion after that.

mfw BD gets destroyed and HoB destroys Unseen

Well, I guess I know what I’m doing with the rest of my day now.


How was there 7000 posts


It was also canned so uh
Good question

I thought this was before the era of POST POST POST

It was canned when an unseen victory was already basically guaranteed despite a slew of moderrors, most of which did not help unseen

So there probs were at least 4 days i think pre-can

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Enjoy the cats (and some dogs).

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For me lolkatting was a way to do something good to people
Lying, manipulating and betraying friends can be extremely emotional taxing for both sides
Posting cats means you try to do something good to the other people, to make it less personal
That I am arguing with you just because of the game, not because I don’t like you

(That’s why lolkatting can work as any alignment, not just outted wolves)

It floods the thread. If someone is emotionally taxed, they can always leave for a while and so something else.

awakening bad

bottom text

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not as bad as birthright or revelations

you aren’t going far enough

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when map design is “throw a bunch of shit at you with very little chance for unique stuff”, the best solution is to just throw one unit at it

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