[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Here’s the card if you don’t know it

Also explains why they were so open about the fact they are Bountying - on d1. I don’t see true Aristocrat doing that and risking the redirect, kill, or convert.

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derps scum

Can anyone do an unofficial VC?

I’ll bug kat

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i kindly ask that people stop discussing the risk of N1 redirect
if there is an arbiter, and they had the GALAXY BRAIN to redirect someone instead of converting n1, they aren’t very good at their jobs

Thinking EVO, Possessed, Amelia are all cleared by postcount. Also, funny how Darth is the lowest poster and wolfy to me. Maybe the game really is that simple. Lynch the people who don’t contribute.

Yeah, that can’t be right, but it’s fun to think about.

Chloe feels pure (recent posts as I am reading them). Still >rand V.

I’m less concerned by that and more by the fact Arete’s day 1 was much better than their day 2 has been until now. Which is weird, because on day 2 you have much more to work with. Could be out-of-game reasons, could be conversion. It’s 50/50.

Derps has been playing like their village self, at least from my perspective. Why do you think they are a wolf?

I mean arbiter isnt the only class that can redirect

They didn’t guard outed marshal claim

Imagine redirecting an aristocrat claim

I’ll note that arete asked for a marshal to check them

This want would get them busted as a magistrate, but arbiter has their passive

but you’re likely right. it just seems odd to me that Arete would out d1 and was so open about their night action. In a game as chaotic as this, would you not want to use your n1 ability without fear of tampering - THEN out d2?

I’m likely overthinking everything. I’m just trying to find viewpoints we haven’t thought of

So the only question with sulit seeing as she has been caught as scum most likely is this. Day execute or have her face the Duke’s axe? It depends on how willing we are to risk a Rebel.

I personally think duke should axe sulit. We have higher priority lynches that could offer a ton more info

Sulit is confirmed not Unseen unless she absolutely jacked up on her logs - which is so incredibly unlikely. We can get a lot more done today by voting someone else and getting more information

Does this mean we policy lynch tabor now :upside_down_face:

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If my arete arbiter theory is true, then I doubt sulit is a member of the hand, and is a rebel

You know what, I’m sticking to my guns
/vote Arete