[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

It was bolded in color.

precede it with the word vote, please



like any other vote

no, it has to be like

/vote Pardon


/vote Execution

Well, Ami is confirmed Senex, since we’re in a BD game. Alignment-wise, I don’t know yet, but something is off here. Her confidence feels misplaced given the Unseen’s situation here.

Wazza, I’m debating what partners you could possibly have in your wolfteam if you are a wolf. I basically can’t envision a different team with you than Italy and Richard, and the problem with that is the kill on Possessed. A team like you three would be killing outside of PoE, not within the PoE.

Which is why I’m inclined to pardon you.

Okay, sheesh. sorry.

/vote Pardon

I think Darth is missing the booming voice message

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Sorry, I seem to have miscommunicated.

Wazza said they changed from Ami to CRich because Ami claimed. But Ami claimed D3, not D2.

I also give Frost scumteam equity here tbh

Darth, that is impossible…

okay I did not see anything to do with Senex.


NAGL for Wazza, but could be chalked up to a villager not paying attention.

Frost could be a wolf here. I think he has more NK equity than groupscum equity, though. There was an investigator on Frost (I don’t remember who claimed that), and if Frost is groupscum, it would have to be an Unseen investigator. But everybody has outed, and we don’t have any investigatives. So, if we believe the claim that Frost was investigated, it rules them out as BD.

Decision Voted by Votes
Execution None 0/6
Pardon Frostwolf103 1/6
Currently Abstaining Arete, Amelia :crown:, Vulgard, Chloe, darth_tabor, Napoleon, Italy, EVO, CRichard564, Ami 10

The Grand Trial will last either until 2020-03-09T04:41:00Z or when one of these two options gets hammered, whichever comes first.

please ping me if I miss anyone

Arete has no choice but to out their gossip choice, if Arete is BD like Napoleon he would have known from Napoleon where Napoleon is intended to investigate.

Because there is no one have claimed the visit…come on, please. I know you’re trying.

it’s likely Napoleon.

Frost claims Mittelhau on Nappy? This should be easily confirmable should it not? Mittelhau redirects and attacks the player. So unless someone protected Nappy, Frost’s got some explaining to do.

tbh I think Amelia is BD King

why the heck would you GT an Inactive.

Napoleon did not die and I already have explained this already.

Amelia protected Napoleon, but that doesn’t stop it from redirecting.

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/vote execute
confident this hits wolf
also frost i’m at church rn

Amelia guarded Nappy. Questionable choice, but I still believe she’s an Unseen King. Especially since she was bled, and I believe the claim.

…Excuse me? So this whole thing about you being investigated was a lie? I need to re-read the thread, I’m too tired for this.