[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

So we can talk

Arete has to bite EVO for a chance to win. If EVO ends up being nk its in their best interest

They cant die to spikes

Being occupied wouldn’t cripple me, but It would cripple Chloe.

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look chloe
i admit i’m not doing this exactly out of the goodness of my heart but it’s safer for you to not mittel geyde and mittel nappy and go for no lynch

bite chloe and trust the process

Okay arbiter swapping with nappy :eyes:

Just ignore everything ami says

Chloe, I’ve just realized something. We’re just giving up the game if you kill anyone.


If EVO has bypass:

Geyde gets killed by Chloe
Richard dies to bleed
Amelia dies to bleed
Napoleon is dead

That leaves 5

If EVO bypasses on anyone, it leaves 4.

Autoresolve in f4.

if you have a better option, I’d talk now. We don’t have many good options here in case anyone here didn’t notice.

fine by me

No kill


This only works out if amelia guards me and arete heals you

Seeing as Chloe will survive if I guard her… And vul will survive with blood frenzy

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NK autowins the game tonight if they have bypass and you kill someone.

If you don’t kill it leaves 5 people alive at worst. NK doesn’t autowin. Maybe we can still sneak out a win somehow.

Arete not healing would be ech

Nk needs to kill HoB to win tonight, as im not going to.

no lynch then to safely kill nap naps