[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!


I really was bled

I believe you. ily

uhh ok thinking time. im hopped up on caffeine from my espresso shots this morning

In the middle of class so realistically can’t post

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Arete’s best chance of winning is with us goobers since Vul is bitten

Arete if you do side with us, I’ll pet my cat

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So I think we can win this? Uhhh

  • Lynch CRich and hope to god that he is NK
  • Jail Ami
  • I :gun: Nappy
  • Arete bites Amelia (I just asked, it CAN target king)

Leaves us with: Arete, Ami, Amelia, Chloe, EVO, Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3]

  • Jail EVO
  • Execute Ami
  • Arete does nothing (this will work out, check the count at the end - also highest chance for you to win, Arete)
  • I :gun: Geyde - if they are new Arbiter I will at least stop the convert

Leaves us with Arete, Amelia, Chloe, EVO, MAYBE Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3]

  • If Geyde did not die to my shenanigans, we execute him and gg?
  • If Geyde DID die to my shenanigans, we execute EVO and gg?

This leaves: Arete, Amelia, Chloe, Evo OR Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3 out of 5 = Arete Wins]

This all relies on CRich being NK - if they aren’t then ggs :upside_down_face:

Problem: I bleed out, unless ami redirected italy specifically to me.

do we think they redirected italy or me?

if they redirected italy, it was to nappy

Good question

Okay so arete can bite geyde tonight, and we swap geyde and evo for the jail? and we can wait an extra night and chainjail geyde while arete bites me

We could do that

Okay so two plans, one for if you die, one for if you dont, lemme write these down

Well I followed Ami and no one visited them. I thought the scum might try to get the healers.

Well… the scum did attack the healers

I cannot physically be starting champ

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Everyone needs sleep. That seems to be indistinguishable from lurking here.

That was in response to her saying to lynch NK

If Chloe is third scum I don’t think we can actually win