[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Like from my PoV that’s the only one other than Arete big brain strats

nah i aint

Anyway this game has really gone down the toilet for the Unseen. If I get lynched I’ll move onto another game.

And who else, assuming I’m not, would be scum from your pov

You can’t seriously suggest that Ami makes that play with EVO
And if it’s Vul we already guaranteed lose

Why am I not surprised? They target everyone except the one I follow. This is great isn’t it?

Well that might be in part because ami is arbiter and not senex

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So I think we can win this? Uhhh

  • Lynch CRich and hope to god that he is NK
  • Jail Ami
  • I :gun: Nappy
  • Arete bites Geyde

If Amelia lives

Leaves us with: Arete, Ami, Amelia, Chloe, EVO, Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3]

  • Jail Geyde
  • Execute Ami
  • Arete does nothing (this will work out, check the count at the end - also highest chance for you to win, Arete)
  • I :gun: EVO - if they are new Arbiter I will at least stop the convert (pls dont fuckin spike - i wanna live)

Leaves us with Arete, Amelia, Chloe, EVO, MAYBE Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3]

  • If EVO died, we up Geyde and gg?
  • If EVO did not die, we up EVO and gg?

This leaves: Arete, Amelia, Chloe, Evo OR Geyde, Vul [Arete + Amelia + Vul = 3 out of 5 = Arete Wins]

If Amelia dies

Leaves us with: Arete, Ami, Chloe, EVO, Geyde, Vul [Arete + Geyde + Vul = 3]

  • Jail Geyde
  • Execute Ami
  • Arete does nothing (this will work out, check the count at the end - also highest chance for you to win, Arete)
  • I :gun: EVO -if they are new Arbiter I will at least stop the convert (evo you better not fuckin spike trap)

Leaves us with Arete, Chloe, Geyde, MAYBE EVO, Vul [Arete + Geyde + Vul = 3]

  • If EVO died, we up Geyde and gg?
  • If EVO did not die, we up EVO and gg?

This leaves us with Arete, Chloe, Geyde OR EVO, Vul [Arete + Vul = 2 of 4 = Arete wins]
Could also leave us with Arete, Chloe, Vul [Arete + Vul = 2/3 = Arete wins]

This all relies on CRich being NK - if they aren’t then ggs :upside_down_face:

@Arete check that and tell me if it works for you ^

CRich being alive is the only way

Lynch Napoleon since it works
Jail Ami
CRich shoots Chloe
Spike traps by EVO
Arete heals everyone (includes Vul) and bites either me or EVO or CRich (depends on who they want to win)

Now Arete decides who deserves to win, which is best turnout for anyone and is guaranteed for them win

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@Vulgard you as well

The only way this doesn’t work is if I’m just fucking wrong on EVO

This all relies on vul not being converted

Which there’s distinct possibilities on evo’s class, if nappy is surgeon evo can be champion, and evo always has demon possibility.

If Vul is converted we can’t block scum killer, nk, or arbiter

Arbiter is occ / red immune

i literally said it relies on vul not being converted. if hes converted we lose literally no matter what so gg anyways

If vul is converted then unseen basically can’t win :upside_down_face:

Are they? tf?

Yes they are. Arbiter is ridiculously powerful lmao