[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Im on mobile and far too tired to give insight but I appreciate all your content, and agree with most reads

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I’m re-reading Richard’s accusation of Derps and it reads as rather pure. Moving closer to >rand V for that reason. There was also a really good progression.

I rescind the wolfread. This progression would be beyond amazing for a newbie wolf. They even entertain the idea of Derps being a villager while people are piling on the Derps wagon. Nope, I do not believe this can be a wolf.

Eh. I need to think about this much more. Time to go back to lurking.

Random parting thought: Sulit might just be a wolf.

this minus the being-on-mobile thing


Forgot to place my vote.

/vote sulit

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Ami, CRichard564, Amelia 3/8
Ami SirDerpsAlot 1/8
sulit Chloe, Arete, Napoleon, EVO, Vulgard 5/8
Currently Abstaining Frostwolf103, darth_tabor, Possessed, Italy, Wazza, sulit 6

ping me if i miss any votes, vcbot katze is rusty

also vcbot is probably going to sleep so VC may be offline for a bit
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@sulit said that because of a project, she won’t be responding straight away. @SirDerpsAlot I hope there is an investigative that can either clear him as good or rule him in as scum. So far no investigative claims have said anything yet about @SirDerpsAlot.

Yeah, Evo voted Sulit I think


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You are correct, this has been fixed.

This feels forced

/FoS Chloe

Explain. What was Chloe trying to accomplish here if she is a wolf? Why would she write forced stuff about a dead person? Or are you thinking she is trying to shade you somehow?

Your allegation of the post being forced feels forced by itself. I don’t really understand why you find it wolfy. My best guess is that you think she overreacted, but both alignments can overreact. What specifically was wolfy about it? Don’t be afraid to talk about your reads, especially since you are in my null pile.

She questions why I am picked for window peek and i am having gut feeling to pretend she didn’t know.

When I authorised to let majority know I want to be night actioned, especially from your words

Marshal likely picked this up

Here are my thoughts so far of everyone.

@SirDerpsAlot this one could be Enforcer who was tricked by scum into not guarding Marshal.
@Wazza is rather quiet right now after talking to Marshal. He’s either important Unseen or is a neutral trying to avoid attention.
@sulit I’m not sure if she is definitely scum right now, though she is too quiet for my liking.
@Amelia is probably Corrupted King as she was demanding answers for why Marshal died N1.
@Ami is actively contributing in court, though whether she is Town or not I can’t say for sure. Though I must say from what I’ve seen, she is more likely Unseen than not.
@Chloe same as Ami, actively contributing to the court. I’m leaning towards her being Unseen.
@Napoleon changed his vote to @sulit and no longer thinks @SirDerpsAlot is so scummy. He probably thinks @SirDerpsAlot was tricked, a possibility I’ve been thinking about too.

The non-posters so far could be sleeping based on time zones. So no opinion on them so far.

Has Wazza even spoken yet?

7 posts, 2 directed at Marshal, 0 since day opening.

Are you trying to do something, CRichard? That read is weird.

Well @Wazza hasn’t said anything since D2 started. Yes he was arguing with Marshal about his fake inquisitor claim with 2 HoB Heretics.

What are you trying to say?

I’m thinking that @Wazza is either Unseen or a neutral siding Unseen. Either way they wouldn’t want to attract too much attention from the scum faction and neutral killer.

I checked @darth_tabor postings. He is also contributing as well so most likely Unseen.

But my question is why Wazza in particular jumped out for you with 7 posts, the most AI post being:

Which says…nothing.

Also: The fallacy you have right now is scum faction/players won’t contribute. Sometimes they contribute the most, so you can’t dismiss claims like that. Its the quality of content and what the content could mean that you should be looking at.

Your entire readlist contains reads that focus on this fallacy, perhaps indicative that you have a TMI on most of those slots.