[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!





itā€™s the law of shitposting

everyone gets a free shitpost pass for as many posts as the signup thread has or their first 10 posts, whichever comes later

poss you do realise that I was just being nice to you before saying that the r/OddlySpecific thing felt forced, right?

does Possessed have a single post thatā€™s not a meme

yes he has this post where he says he isnā€™t going to meme as much


@Arete This is my new town meta nyahhh

i am aware that this is an exxageration but i am nothing if not a showman
you can tell from how flamboyantly written my sentences are


who the fuck cares

thatā€™s illegal

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Pfft I never said I wasnā€™t gonna meme, meme is a way of life


because Iā€™m trying to read him



the cool fading away from this game the more you post

you posted r/OddlySpecific in a context that felt weird and forced, like you had nothing else to contribute to the joke but you felt like you had to anyway

itā€™s not actually something Iā€™m going to push you for in the slightest but if you doing things in a forced manner becomes a thing We Will Be Having Words

To be fair I donā€™t let people read me D1 anyways

I have a record of never being converted


okay so what iā€™m getting is that this is a reprisal of joycats and if we try to tell Marshal to stop heā€™ll claim heā€™s being :joy_cat: :joy_cat: BOXED IN :joy_cat: :joy_cat: and keep doing it

this is just the suffering we must endure before we reach the holy river of content

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if you donā€™t lighten up soon the emojis will only get more cursed

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