[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

to be fair I follow his thought process on Marshal

yes we all feel that read in the depths of our soul
itā€™s still NAI both to post it and to whom it is posted about

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Marshal when we hit post 282, probably: ā€˜omg that was a reactiontest and Arete is BOXING ME IN :joy_cat:ā€™


im going to start playing the game then

but until then

leave me in peace

To meme or not to meme,

That is the question.

Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer,

By being forced upon the shackles of tryharding,

Or to not take this game seriously,

And by not taking the game seriously, to lose;

/vote Possessed


Or just take the game seriously but donā€™t tryhard

Find a good medium


God do they not teach Hamlet in school anymore?

I do that when Iā€™m not murdered early

i have a gif prepared if arete tries some of that nerd shitā„¢ on me

No they donā€™t
But I know the refernece

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There is no day 1 lynch.

it has ham in it

which is against veganism and is oppression

but also literally everyone knows that reference



I mean Iā€™ve read Hamlet

but you are either a wolf or a violator of the laws of this kingdom


Violate me daddy

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wouldnā€™t that be the same thing

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bad possessed
you are a married man