[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!


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with the logic you were using your action was pretty much optimal

but even the random merc targets were in BDs favor

i was close to WOTM rerolling merc targets but it felt disingenuous so i didnā€™t; not sure if i regret that or not



There was legit about to be a ML chain with all those funky mechanics thoā€¦this game was still open


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all of these have a key theme

me not self-imploding

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cheeses bus drive did mess with the gossip results which could have spiced things up

but it was all solvable when he outted the bus drive

I am one to always uphold the ā€˜never reroll setups ruleā€™
Iā€™m considering that if I was the host would I have just scrapped the setup entirely than run this just to uphold that rule :eyes:

Elixir wanted your advice earlier.[quote=ā€œTheBlueElixir, post:5359, topic:81476, full:trueā€]
I feel like im missing context

mysterious N.1 guy give me sage advice

For you N.1

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Thatā€™s how much I believe this roll shouldā€™ve been rerolled

But his bus drive looked super scummy. Like. SUPER scummy.

game wasnā€™t that townsided

different n1 actions and social play would have made this more scumsided


if we didnā€™t feel forced to reroll due to the offensive paradoxes so soon before the game started it probably would have been rerolled

in hindsight, delaying the game start might have been the right call

do you think the initial roll looks better?

initial roll: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-60-randomizer-day-3-14-18-the-blue-dragon-and-mercenary-win/81476/5093?u=katze

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W-what. Stop preaching lies pls


it was townsided

but not oh reroll the setup even if you are against WoTM levels of townsided

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initial roll had scum vul and arete. woulda been poggers

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meta clears not being asā€¦pervading per se would make this game a bit more competitive



Alice literally admitted to feeling bored thanks to the amount of investigatives and mechanical BS that happened. Our entire win shouldnā€™t have been decided based on someone we specifically had to convert
Thatā€™s just ridiculous

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his bus driver play was basically optimal

swap a likely attack target with someone you want dead