[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I’m a hypocrite I know

My posting style is equally weird

If you’re looking for a reason to dislike someone’s posting style, you’ll find one anyway.

I’m not. I don’t actually think there’s anyone here besides you who has a weird posting style IMO

Besides me, but its somewhat intentional

this post bothers me because it sounds like alice knows marshal isn’t groupscum
it bothers me a lot actually because a few posts before that, alice says that marshal is “just a v lean” and here she mentions the idea of arete pocketing marshal, indicating marshal is more than “just a lean”
the disconnect makes me suspect that she slipped somewhere and while i fully expect retaliation, the thought process is… a little odd

what is even going on at this point?

We’re still talking. Which beats the alternative of having only silence in this game.



I find it rather concerning that we still have a few non-posters this late in the day and also that the other posters seemed to have popped in, then checked out. It’s almost as though there are people who signed up for the game and aren’t committed to playing the game.

I get that people do have a life outside the game with family emergencies being a thing. Still unless their internet is down, they should be able to log in and post their reads.

It’s because it’s D1. It should improve by D2

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We shall see if that’s the case. Still with a few non-posters, not exactly the best D1 no?

i was asleep

i think geyde’s reads come from a v place. he’s providing unique, developed thoughts, different than anyone else’s in the game, and that’s villagery
he also doesn’t seem to be pushing agenda. he appears to be genuinely uncertain, which is why he asked people to interact with his content and talk about his threadreads, etc.

crich’s place is almost a 1:1 copy of his previous towngames except this time he seems more solvy which is a good thing and not a bad thing
i don’t really have a reason to call him a wolf

might change later

still thinking kyo and amelia should die
amelia hasn’t improved and kyo is an openclaiming inq who hasn’t outed his heretic classes meaning he’s probably going to be anti-town
i have strong reservations about marshal despite what i said about alice earlier

poe: marshal, italy (underwhelming posts, can’t v read him for this), derps (dumbassery =/= v), kyo (openclaiming inq), sog (needs to post more; he kinda seems afraid of posting), amelia (already said why), ami (hasn’t done much), danny (0 poster), wazza, jane (0 poster)

wait this is absolutely useless

also i think seth’s dumbassery has later turned into villagery dumbassery when he started pushing people and doing stuff other than thread disruption

i don’t really have many v reads
and even fewer v reads i’m confident about
so that’s not cool

My entire gameplan is to do nothing D1 and purely convert hunt tomorrow and hope it’s a heretic

I would like an explanation on why I’m in PoE.
I know why I’m in it. But I want to see if you know why I’m in it.

which is why you shouldn’t have openclaimed but that isn’t my proble.

It’s not really. My KP got gambled away. Only thing I have is luck and social influence which I’m going to use to kill off the converts

your iso is mostly fluff and a giant readlist that only appeared because ici asked you to write one, meaning it was forced
you’re not really providing any original thought unless you’re pressured to do so
which translates to “just existing” in thread and that isn’t super villagery

well, “giant readlist” is an overstatement