[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Why does NK make D1 lynch a problem?

because wolves become fucked if NK is lynched D1, so we canā€™t add a D1 lynch because of the massive swing

Lately it has been only been me, Possessed, Icibalus, Arete and KyoDaz who are talking right now. I sense some people have already checked out D1, which isnā€™t a good look.

yes it is
itā€™s perfectly logical to not participate in a twilight zone with absolutely no purpose because itā€™s near-impossible to advance reads
thereā€™s a reason FM games have a d1 lynch

Oh right. That makes sense. NK is unfortunately only kept around because of tradition at this point.
Itā€™s like the British monarchy.

but that doesnā€™t even necessarily apply to D1 King elections, because both starting Unseen are more powerful as their roles than on the throne, as are several Cult roles with low numbers

my suggestion is to make it an optional extra for SFoLs rather than a mandatory thing, which is the equivilant of making the monarchy a formality

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nightstart feels like it just leads to ā€˜if youā€™re known as a good player you never get to play the gameā€™

the solution is to remove NK and add a Day 1 lynch

What would we do to give wolves extra KP?

thatā€™s what I havenā€™t quite worked on, but we could move back to 16p, since 16pā€™s problem was that it was wolfsided due to wolves having too much KP and games ending too quickly.

This is how night N1 would go. Whoever dies N1 signed up for a game for nothing. That isnā€™t fun for anyone who wants to play.

Upping convert limit doesnā€™t particularly balance things because youā€™re lucky to even have three surviving members within 3 days.

hence we remove NK and add a d1 lynch

Iā€™m starting to get nervous about Vul again because normally Iā€™d have him as lock-village by now and I donā€™t

admittedly the only thatā€™s happened since the last time I made a Vul read is that he went AFK for several hours, but

I still have Vulgard as a village read. Though his lack of activity up to now is concerning.

Or un-pushables, which can vary from day to day. Weā€™ve got a general list on where the kill should land in, but its entirely too wide right now.

catching up rn
it was midnight here when you posted this

Ah Vulgard. Youā€™re just in time.

God Damnit I hate your posting style
