[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

im fine with ici in

but i think it could burn people

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The sun sets on Castle Adiart as Day 1 comes to an end.

Night 1 begins now and will end: 2020-04-27T17:00:00Z

The deadline to submit night actions is 1 hour before End of Night (EoN) - you may also choose not to submit any action.


We are missing a few night actions.

Reminder that they must be submitted at least an hour before EoN.

We are searching for a replacement. Please PM me if you would like to replace in.


All night actions have been locked and are now being processed.

If you receive no feedback, you have slept peacefully.

@TheBlueElixir has replaced in for DannyThyGamer.

Please do not discuss the nature of replacements.


A new dawn breaks over Castle Adiart.

ModeShifter has been found dead in their chambers! They were…

The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night, preventing visits to them. A jailed target cannot take actions by any means. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity and healing). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to execute for the rest of the game. - 3 uses
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

A piece of parchment lies next to the body.

Mode Shifter the Prince
N1: Jailed Amelia - Claims Tavern Keeper with only Serve Ale

Day 2 begins now and will end in 48 hours, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution.

Without reaching majority, day ends: 2020-04-29T17:00:00Z

With 17 players alive, majority is 9.

NAI Host Ping


oh no


/vote amelia

It’s funny because it’s true

aw yeah gamers

Vote Count

Accused Voted by Votes
Amelia Marshal 1 / 9

/vote Italy

He forgot the royal blood part though which makes me sad

prince dead n1 bruh

Vote Count

Accused Voted by Votes
Amelia Marshal 1 / 9
Italy Arete 1 / 9

I beleive what amelia is claiming is mechanically impossible