[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

if you removed the option to spectate

you would not suddenly have any of these people inning

so no dude, screw off with that. The option to spectate does not decrease ins or backups.

It might suck that there are not as many players or backups. But spectating is not the reason that is happening! And pressuring spectators to play when they don’t want to is not right!

even, even if this is true.

They should not be pressured to in. People who do not in have reason to not in.
so like



Arguing requires making points and not attacking the other person
Well, and not throwing shade

I’ve attained such chill that my dog refusing to stop barking during this car ride barely phases me


I have stated why I’m mad about it so many times, can you start reading what I’m saying.

Look at Alice’s games where she constantly disallows Spectators (only recently started allowing them again)

Those sort of games filled up almost instantly, while that might be because lots of people left, it still points to the fact of what’s going on here.

I’m literally not pressuring them, I’m making a god damn point on the fact that there’s going to constantly be too many. What’s even the point in spectating if you aren’t interested in the game in general? It might peak your interest eventually which might lead to you back-upping or something like that.

I swear to god if I have to constantly repeat my point is not to pressure people who don’t want to in, to in. My point is the fact that spectators and spectating is utterly pointless. I’m not even going to bother with this anymore. I know the point I want to make but I also know I won’t be able to get that point across. It’s the same with alts, no matter if I try, no one’s going to listen. So, shrug.

But still
End me pls

hi Geyde

Consider that some people might not want to join this game because of conflicts, lack of interest in playing fm, or just not liking the idea of 26p high power multiball rolemadness

Spectators may want to enjoy talking about the game while not being in it, because there’s literally no other option



I said I’m not discussing it anymore.

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Fair enough

this is weak ass circumstantial evidence.


i’m not even going to address the rest of the post

You are saying that spectating is ruining the site and is pointless and that those people should not spectate. That is pressuring them to do something they don’t want to.

The point of spectating is to be able to actively follow and discuss the game while not having to commit to playing it.

There are a ton of fucking reasons for people to want to be able to follow and discuss the game while not playing it.

  • Possible irl commitments mean that a person could not play for the duration of the game
  • Not wishing to play the game for mental health reasons
  • Not wanting to play because of being in multiple games but still wanting to pop in and chat about it occasionally
  • Not wanting to play FM at all because it’s just not fun for them

Spectating allows someone to talk about and follow the game with no commitment or pressure involved. FM, by design, has both commitment and pressure.

If a player does not want to, or can not commit to a game but still wants to follow it, they can spectate. That’s the merits of spectating and why it exists in the first place.

Spectators either do not want to play the game, or can not play the game. People should not play if they do not want to or can not play.

You can ping every individual person here. All of them either do not want to play, or can not commit to playing, or both.

And someone who does not want to play or can not play is not going to in on the game in the first place.

There are merits to spectating and saying there are none (and that spectating is ruining things) is at least indirectly pressuring them to not spectate.


90% of that can be done without posting in the thread at all.

What don’t you understand about I’m not discussing it anymore?


Spectators are made up of people who do not want to play the game, or can not play the game. Removing the option to spectate would not compel any of these people to in.

And so spectating has no negative impact on the game’s signup or backup levels.

Is there anything that can really refute this?


@Amelia I wish you luck filling your game.

Archie would like to remind everyone that FM is just a game!

Games are meant to be fun, and bring people together.

If people cant or dont wanna play the game, that’s alright, they have every right to spectate or not in.

If i see more negativity im gunna sic my cat on you.


I still am talking about it even if you aren’t

you weren’t the subject of this statement at all, this was something directed at everyone, and I do not like this anti-spectator culture.

You should go to back up instead

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No, because this just made me realise that FM isn’t fun anymore and I’m apart of the problem, especially on the toxicity front.