[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


I never said it did. Donā€™t they only get an extra night if they kill scum though?

read a classcard before you jump to a conclusion ffs
it comes down to if alice is willing to gamble their vig, theyā€™ll gain an extra night as long as cloned actually dies

This. If Maurader kills an unseen, they lose their infinite use nightkill. Seems you donā€™t want Alice to have it.

seems you want to make as much bullshit up as possible just to support your point because youā€™re physically incapable of understanding when youā€™re wrong

Redirecting the Visionary to a Marauder wonā€™t actually kill them though, would it? The person has to attack the Marauder to be counterattacked. I donā€™t know that other actions like conversion are seen as ā€œattackingā€.

Thatā€™s just it. Iā€™m not wrong and your ppl lan comes with an unneeded risk.

alice has a one shot redirect and an infinite vig

you are wrong
risk reward plans always come out better

But redirect just means redirecting the action. That doesnā€™t mean the action is an attack though.

but visionary has no immunity
alice can just shank them

Sheā€™s Marauder though, correct? The Marauder can only counterattack if attacked.

Or you mean she would use the attack action? Boastful Rampage? So whatā€™s the point of the redirect also?

Iā€™m not wrong. Our plans pretty much yield the same results only.yours is risky and mine isnā€™t.

Yeah, Iā€™m wondering why heā€™s so intent on doing it a particular way.

are we on the same page

whysper and alice can both be redirected and occupied
iā€™m including the world where HoB can completely kick our plan through the window and coming up with a counter

Thereā€™s no world that exists where Soul will survive tonight.

Ok Iā€™ve mostly caught up now.
All of this hurts my brain tho, Imma go play TOL, if you need ping me and Iā€™ll be there.

and i donā€™t want one where he survives today to submit a night action