[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

In general he’s just been floating around and being UTR and I can usually notice them when they’re V.

Hell, he has less posts by now than both Cheese and a wolf who died n1.

This slot has been coasting, didn’t vote on Insanity D1.
Soul and Moleland are never the same scum faction in any world here.

…I see. How does me not jailing you benefit you though? Considering it is a conversion night, that is.

@Magnus, do you want to Incarcerate N.1?

Yeah sure.

Ello I’m here btw.
Nothing happened, it seems.

Hello Intensify. I’ve been told you’re bleeding out tonight.
So who is in your HoB PoE as of now?

Hey. Would you mind if I were to imprison you and thereby indirectly kill you?

I mean ok sure I don’t really mind I guess.


I thought the goal was for me to prove myself by getting redirected/healing someone

Theyve expressed that they cannot participate like usual due to both external circumstances and low motivation.

Not sure
I think it depends on whether Italy self-resolves tonight.
I still don’t trust Vully tho. Like that’s my only thought. Maybe N.1 as well… not sure.

You can still be a Surgeon even if Intensify is healed. This does not confirm you as Unseen in any way.

I can see that being a possibility here, though have you considered a world where he is a wolf who upon seeing the other wolf faction getting destroyed has given up?

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Well I just got a greenlight from Intensify to imprison him, so the only one you can heal is Wazza.
However, I am focusing all out on Alice, so I need someone to make her convert-immune as well.

Vulgard is unseen. My slot peeked him N1.

Can’t you?

I thought since they survived you could still do that.

Hmm is that so? Interesting… I guess I was wrong about my suspicions on Vully. I still think calling someone scum just because they don’t believe you are bleeding is dumb… but oh well.

He claimed Minstrel who did no action N1 because there were no good targets.

They survived, but she targeted an Unseen in the end, so she lost her fangs as well.

Any Sages alive should make me immune. I don’t think the Visionary/Arbiter are going to risk that class rolling for a chance at converting me, tbh. I’ll also ask the King as if he’s somehow a GK then at least there’s that.

Well people don’t always behave rationally remember?

I meant to say I can.