[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Visionary has a thing to fake visits? Just give me someone to shoot tonight

If the Visionary has a thing to fake classes then itā€™s likely better if Cents goes elsewhere and I still need someone to shoot tonight because I am not the damn Visionary.

I have given reads, been trying to play this game, and the damn mechanics still screw with me. Last time it was the NK PoE and now this. How in the hell am I supposed to clear myself of not being the Visionary with my role?

Believe me, it would be better to make PoE even smaller, if you do drop Unseen then I am unable to use my night abilities and negate my votes received to become King.

If Wazza or Leafia vigs me then they lose their night abilities, which is -EV. It always comes down to ā€œoThErS aRe ToWnIEr tHaN yOuā€

but I am a damn vig I can shoot in the PoE, hence I donā€™t want to die

So is Wazza, Leafia and me. As well you.

we have five vigs?

Itā€™s perhaps we wanted to claim the credit of the kill on Soul and Light, hence this PoE exist.

As I said before, N.1 if youā€™re real.

My reads havenā€™t been the best this game, which is why I am asking who I should shoot. I read most of the lower posters and donā€™t think I will get to most of the higher posters

I am not the one faking a claim here. I would rather die by the noose because then the other vigs wonā€™t lose night abilities

Ah, the feeling of squirming in you.

N.1 dies tonight though.

Alright, Iā€™m back. Btw Gorta, if I really wanted 3 vigs in allies, iā€™d rather put Frost, Wazza and Leafia

Yeah, because I likely die tomorrow. I really donā€™t want to get vigged because that makes it so one of the other town vigs loses KP via guilt. We know that the BD likely got a convert last night, so they canā€™t convert tonight and there can be a third Visionary. Why would I not just eat the bullet and let the convert become the Visionary seeing as they would likely not have as much attention as I have?

Why would you not put me in allies?

I am not some useless bump on a log

because iā€™m a better choice to put in allies obviously

Is it because ā€œoThErS aRe ToWnIEr tHaN yOuā€?
