[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…I can’t tell whether this is a joke, a sarcasm, or outright the truth.


…? What was with Vul and Magnus?

Provability. Sure. What about Magnus though?
Magnus should be with Italy and me.

Not tonight. Not unless we want town!Alice dead after the first delay.

Good to hear that. --but are we done preparing, or are we missing something?

We have discussed about this before, if Whysper Visionary then there’s no way Alice would be bled because Whysper got Occ’d by Derps.

Moleland to return maybe?

Magnus will have to jail you unless you want to risk getting killed tonight.
*reads rolelist*

…actually, I just realized that you’d need to be strongman killed (i.e. CtA Heroine) in order to die, so now I don’t know who Magnus should jail anymore.
@Italy, what is your view on this situation?

Oh. So my speculation was right.
–but now I really am confused as to how Mole knew about Derps visiting Vul N1.

crich follows me
alice gets delayed
everyone should have SOMETHING in their logs
that tells us when smite and therefore CtA has been used

Because I’m the most mechanical townie out of literally everybody in this game.

Ah. Very well.

…and why exactly are we waiting for him to hammer himself, thereby effectively ending our discussion time? --I might have my action prepared, but I am still not up to date with our situation.


You can be converted, get out of here >:(

i can’t

Anyway, I believe it’s time to just finish this day.

Uh… no. You are the third most mechanical townie in this game.
The first place would have to be shared equally between Cent and Italy.
Reasons aside, I really don’t think that L-1 is ever a good thing.
(At the very least let me catch up first…)

You can if Zone was converted last night or you were converted last night.

How does either me or Italy getting converted let Centuries come back from the dead?

HoB could not have converted anyone last night and it’d be a solid deathwish to convert me to BD when i’d promote right to “no dead interaction” heroine

what are you on about?

What does dead interaction have to do with this?

are you keeping up with anything
i’m the soulcatcher
i talk to the dead at night

I’ve been keeping up clearly more than most people.

You already revived someone, no one can contradict you not talking to the dead.