[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

he flipped heroine, how would you know what he was
unless you happen to be his teammate

That TMI sounds non existent

does it now

He is afk the whole day 3.

Also Italy, I cant be Visonary

you most certainly can

In midnight while I have work to do, dont you guys have concept of timezone ā€¦

Carnage would have still triggered I think

what makes it so impossible for you to be visionary

Itā€™s already posted and didnā€™t changed much

Its in my interest but I decided N.1 will be my kill

/vote Gorta

Like I dont know, read the fucking ISO

accusations are against you
make a defense or die
itā€™s really that simple

I am really amused you wanna push me out of TMI from PK being observer - I have no idea what claim he is and did you forgot: when Insanity got lynched, PK become new Heroine so he got nothing to prove he is nightwatcher like you claim I know he is as such

Really Italy, you are wasting on that stupid shit you thought you are so smug about it.

you called him observer
this has nothing to do with his OG class not being provable
itā€™s blatant TMI

Great, I also killed him so what is that going to do ā€¦

so you claim to have vigged the person who had a bleed death redirected into him

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You could have made todays PoE you and Alice if you are legit and shot me, but uh not shooting me or Alice (if you even can) sealed your fate in my opinion

How would you know his previous class if werenā€™t BD with PK? I find it odd how you could be 100% accurate there according to Italy

ash killing N1 was the plan for like
the entire day
and you just overlap kills?