[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

N.1 is also Visionary suspect

also dying to N.1

I lost my night abilities either, but now N.1 is dead I will have no issue voting you

I meant to Ash

Who is Ash suppose to delay then?

N.1 was dying from Ash

That is not what I ask mate or is it not in the power to delay someone dying?

You act like you are going to shoot in Me/Alice and then just shoot N.1 out of nowhere?

Read the goddamn ISO, I have been suspecting N.1 as Visionary.

Itā€™s not out of nowhere

As that role you have access to the ability to take said bleed/attack and transfer it to someone else

Yeah but now I also attacked N.1, does that make Ash confirmable? Should have delayed death instead.

I didnā€™t even bypass the heal

N.1 was in the Visionary PoE for a reason, but hereā€™s the deal even I asked before I was going to shoot N.1 like Alice wanted

Unlike you, I am willing to lose my night abilities if I am wrong.

While you did nothing.

donā€™t dodge the question frost
we all want the answer

You are idiot, that is my answer

I already explained why I didnā€™t shoot anyone, but I donā€™t think you can even shoot people

Did you forgot Insanity got lynched and that leaves PK is unable to prove anything, I didnā€™t care if he is Observer or Prince or whatever, he turned into Heroine overnight

I attacked N.1 and Soulshade, I donā€™t need Vom Tach to kill Visionary.

Then why did you even mention PK ā€œmaking use of Observerā€™s abilitiesā€? Since there was no way to know what PK was that makes you look even more suspect here