[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I have nothing left of Baronet, just a Citizen.

Then think again

And since I already asked you who I should convert, you havent come with one.

At least itā€™s not Zone for sure.

What am I missing? You are very likely the Visionary here. I think it would be wiser to find and execute the convert today, but if not you need to go. If we canā€™t find the convert you just get executed today

I already made my predictions with the list I posted

I didnā€™t ask for predictions, say who I converted.

Prove me right or die.

I have probabilities, but I donā€™t know for sure





1ā€¦last chance to say it now

Or what happens?

Say it, who did I convert as Visionary

You are BD.

@Wazza Gorta is frozen, I suggest lynch him when weā€™re done talking

I am not the one who didnā€™t shoot a viable target in the Visionary PoE and also not the one to make a post talking about PK being a certain BD class. Thatā€™s all on you. You have been caught. Itā€™s 3:30 AM here, so I am not going to dive into posts to look for a convert right now, but we have a 30 something hours to do that. I am going to sleep and when I wake up I want to see people hunting for the convert. We use this time to end the BD by D5

You refuses to answer so you have nothing to deduce if I am Visionary on who I converted.

We have 2 town killers, a few role blockers, and plenty of others around, so it should be gg tomorrow. Itā€™s important we find the convert today