[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

It doesn’t change the outcome 99% of the time but if we somehow forgot about some mech bs and have a misclear, me being alive is straight up better

Do you not read a damn thing? I even stated it in a post replying to you.

Crusader was on me N2, Visionary would be bled at night and die N3.

I think lies should be me, Wazza, and Italy tonight.

*think allies

No, put me in Allies, I’m a literal walking IC and I want to see if Italy actually has access to dead chat

Don’t put Leafia in, never do that

You die tonight though?

Do you just ignore every point I make that disproves me being the convert? This is the 2nd time now.

That’s not how it works. I asked Amelia to confirm and they die a night after. Ash can also confirm this and N.1’s dead body can confirm it also.

If you don’t believe me, ask Amelia yourself. I physically can not be converted or we’d be seeing a dead Visionary right now.

They died by Ash and it was instant when it’s transferred.

And I know there is no one else bleeding that night it’s this obvious.

Exactly. Crusader kills people a day after. Need I say anymore?

This tell the alignment about me that it’s clear I wouldn’t have converted you either.

I still need to die from convert poe.

Without you, Wazza’s plan is useless and I just read up on Crusader. It says that the crusaderbleeds any targets and that they die two nights later so if Wazza was converted, then the Visionsry would bleed out tonight, not last night. So no, if they converted you, then the Visionary wouldn’t be dead yet Wazza. It says right in the crusader’s role.

You know…you can stop now Leafia.

It’s no use beating around the bush.

Two nights later. Read the crusader’s role card.

I don’t care about Wazza’s plan

What I want to see is if Italy is BSing the dead chat or not

I don’t care about Wazza, he can get in allies but I’m not going with his plan

I want to be in Allies to see what if Italy says and to get another townie into the out of convert pool

So let me get this straight, You attacked Light and you bled right?

You don’t need to be in allies for that. Wazza and I can confirm it too.

Nani? Who converts me

Don’t you see the error in this? Since Frost is the most probable visionary executing extra town KP is a bad idea

I think the king might be good

Italy? What happened to executing the Visionary in order to prevent BD kills?

In this scenario you are down a town vig

Honestly, Leafia, you are probably town here. Scum Leafia doesn’t defend the player that everyone scum reads, but you do know that I could have Wyspher shoot anyone for me. I only said you because then we could clear a few of Alice’s convert PoE people (either me or you, you and wyspher, or me and wyspher)

You are very likely the Visionary here

Host overrules it.