[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Uh yeah that’s true.

i mean seeing how 2 villagers didnt submit a night action :^)

i submit them at son if im here at eod

otherwise i submit them anyway

i missed night action like once on here i think

I think theres no problem with the current system, no extra pings need to be sent out to player to submit unless the host is doing it from the forefront. The end of day message should be enough. If u dont got 23 hours to submit one sentence thats on you (not you centuries but u know what i mean)

i saw noticable improvements in comparison to your previous scumgames so i would say you are definitely getting better
you were also the last wolf to die

Tbf. This is the first I’ve actually tried to live as scum.

How should I improve on my scum play?

I need some advice.

survive D1

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don’t just exclusively tunnel your scum partner

try to make reads on more than one person – a narrow focus is often a sign that someone is scum

try to “justify” your reads better, part of what made you look bad was that your reasons for scumreading Alice were largely reachy

remember that you don’t have to push your buddies :upside_down_face:. It’s often more obvious to you as scum that your partner is scum, than it is to the village. Bussing can get you some credit – but ultimately, you need villagers dead in order to win.

(in particular, with the knowledge I had in spec chat, your read looked like TMI)

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Honestly my plan is to bus myself day 1 this game, but yeah, honestly, I could have done better

You played your part well tbf

You are the one who thought I said the same thing as dead scum.

And ironically didn’t lynch Alice.

the events that led to not yeeting alice are confusing

  1. Kill BD and HoB as Unseen.
  2. Get to the Final Day
  3. ???
  4. Lose the game for Unseen

i went to sleep expecting a push on alice
when i woke up and saw that seth was executed, i went through all seven stages of grief in roughly twenty seconds


100% lossrate when you do this btw

stop sleeping LOOSER


Bd should have got nowhere near winning and Alice should have died day 5 at the latest.

She did well to get as far as she has, but also made some horrible misplays (Like tell Magnus to block me so I couldn’t kill magnus and Zone)

it hurts more when you realize this is true

You wouldn’t have killed Zone because of Italy.

I am honestly baffled the way it ended, why is Seth a good idea to lynch again???

To let them self resolve?


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