[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

depends how many posts they have

Well thenā€¦ you should really be starting on that becauseā€¦ we literally have 2K posts right now

the push on alice (besides the part where he misread the list) seems perfectly justified, although I wouldnā€™t do it myself
not sure if itā€™s T/T or T/W or W/W
or anything like that
i dont see why weā€™re voting him

I donā€™t really have time right now



So you think the reasons are justified but you donā€™t know why people are voting them


Wtf is this

wait you misinterpret
his reasons are justified

as I said, besides the MISREADING OF THE LIST
which is probably an honest mistake

Ah so one personā€™s reasons make sense, but the rest donā€™t correct?


understand where your coming from

what does your PoE look like?

but actually no?
itā€™s complciated
his reasons makes sense
i think aliceā€™s reasons make sense too, but make a little less sense
for all I know itā€™s T/T tho
so im not going to place my votes there

This is why I said PK is unreadable, cause this could be coming from townPK or scumPK

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he thinks insanityā€™s push on alice makes sense, and the push on insanity does not make sense

any of the lowposters

So the literal lhf?

im having a hard time forumlating a PoE
is what im saying

little did you know he found a way to mix both his scum meta and town meta

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does s!insanity go after alice

ok back to reading ISO