Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Gorta and I have drastically different timezones, so my decision to focus on talking to people in real time wasn’t probably for the best. That post made me remember what I’ve seen from him this far, and they aren’t good looks. I really gotta ISO him.


I think PKR’s been townier than Appel today

but also … I am alive and Seth is not

and that’s something I don’t want to totally discount here

not sure if this is just the forums being dumb but this seems … kind of notable …

1 Like

Let me check too

I just checked. I got the same results

Eli on Gorta, in SFoL 64 (there are a couple more results that come up when you search, but I checked and he isn’t saying anything about Gorta, just quoting a bunch of posts one of which mentions Gorta in passing)

Eli in WYM

Eli in JoaT^2

the most notable exception I found was SFoL 63, he actually does talk a lot about his partners there so I’m not sure if it’s a tell

I never said that Arete was lock scum, but I did talk about how it’s possible for Arete/Light to be a team. It also seems you ignored every other piece of information I put in my posts on Arete and why I thought there is potential.

I wouldn’t be opposed if it didn’t put us in a worse spot unless Lemon somehow magically gets confirmed.

Wasn’t Seth also sus of you?

That’s what I aim to find out

That doesn’t mean crap

Can someone explain how Lemon is confirmed town?

his take was something along the lines of ‘it’s almost certainly Light/PKR, but technically Light/Arete is possible as well’

you realize you can re-read his posts yourself

MyLo is ?apparently? announced and based on how Zone’s answered questions about it we think that 4 town/1 scum/1 scum-sided neut would count as MyLo

Right, but I feel like Seth would have easily went along with an execution on you


4v1(neut)v1 right now

neut is apparently townsided since MyLo wasn’t announced? I think?

we get 1 chance today and 1 chance tomorrow to execute correctly (pretty sure no-exeing is suboptimal because of votebuying being a thing)

this means that if we as a collective can clear four people as 100 percent never in any world a wolf we can win

Lemon is free because neut
cloned is basically locktown at this point for how Light handled EoD1
so if I can find a 100 percent lock always villager in Gorta/PKR/Appel and cloned and Gorta can start actually reevaluating at all based on new information we have the game on lock

I’ll get to it in a bit, but I am conflicted on Appel and I have nothing on PKR

I did not ignore the information you posted. I just thought it was highly unlikely that Arete is scum in any universe and that your reasons would only be convincing if we completely ignored the fact that Arete pushed Light to death D4.

*reasons for scumreading them

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon 1/4
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, PKR, cheese, Arete


I looked through literally every interaction wolves had with or about the remaining living players (except Lemon because neut)

this is just looking at things from the Wazza/Light side, not the everyone else side

a bunch of these are going to be basically NAI, I was trying to be sure I got every interaction

before I get into the actual analysis, I want to note what we know about Light’s interactions with Wazza. Light effectively ignored Wazza until the EoD CFD onto him, and then, once that happened, tried to stop the CFD on Wazza and instead CFD onto Conduit. Based on this, I suspect Light would be unlikely to hardbus a teammate later in the game.


pretty sure this is way more AI for Mole than it is for cloned

I think the hard shade on cloned in this set of posts probably isn’t W/W even if Light doesn’t really go anywhere with it. Light had just lost a partner (this interaction happened on D2) and I don’t think he would respond to losing Wazza by turning around and bussing cloned, particularly given that Light wasn’t really under much suspicion at that point.
(in response to cloned)

this is basically NAI

the other thing I want to mention cloned-interactions-wise isn’t really something quotable but I do think it’s super relevant

at EoD1, cloned was the top wagon and Light clearly did not care, like, at all, nor did he make any attempt to change it

when we CFD’d Wazza, Light tried really hard to resist it and push the elim off of Wazza

I think that given his willingness to go all-out for Wazza, he would have tried to shift the wagon off of cloned if cloned was also Mafia, so the fact that he didn’t points very strongly to cloned being town


this is literally the only post Wazza has in his entire Iso that interacts with or mentions any of cloned/Gorta/Eli/PKR that I could find

as far as actually analyzing it goes … there’s nothing to say it can’t be W/W? but that’s not to say it necessarily is, the strongest argument for it being W/W is that Wazza probably would have included a partner in the post in question (he gave reads on a few reason) but that’s not, like, a lock guarantee
(to Eli)

this seems seems basically NAI, maybe a very very slightly good look for Eli if it’s a look at al

this is NAI

this is like

I can maybe read this as ‘would Light forget a partner was in the game’

but I don’t know if I believe it

this is NAI


also ditto

see above

this wallpost is probably the worst look for Eli/Appel of anything in the game

particularly in the Eli section, Light points out a bunch of questionable things Eli did, acknowledges they are questionable, and yet still comes away with a townlean on Eli for ??? reasons

regardless of Appel/Eli’s alignment Light was super blatantly trying to force himself to come to a townlean on that slot, and I think it makes more sense to force yourself to townread a wolf partner than a villager

the biggest thing making me doubt that is that Light was under a lot of pressure at that point, and I was specifically entertaining a Light/Appeli team, so … would Light really come out in response to that with a wallpost on why they were a villager if they were W/W? (n.b. the wallpost was specifically prompted by me asking him for his read on Eli/Appel)

basically NAI
(to Appel:)

still more basically NAI comments tm
(to Appel:)

this … kind of feels like a wolf talking to a villager more than a wolf talking to another wolf? probably?


(in response to Gorta:)

this doesn’t feel like a W/W interaction

this is NAI for Gorta
(in response to Gorta)

this sure is an interaction that sure does exist

the excessive formality in this set of posts are hard-pinging me as meaning something but GTH the thing they mean is ‘Light was trying to pocket Gorta by being excessively nice to him,’ I don’t really see why they exist if this is a W/W interaction

relevant to Mole’s alignment, not really relevant to Gorta’s

him pushing Gorta here is a slightly good look for Gorta

like this isn’t something that’s 100 percent lock never distancing or anything but Light didn’t bother to distance at all from Wazza

this is like, if I stretch it it’s a rule-of-three on Gorta but that’s a stretch

yeah, I’m feeling this as probably not W/W? I think?
(in response to Gorta:)

meh, this isn’t super AI for Gorta

this is NAI for Gorta

the way Light is getting defensive about his read on Gorta makes me think it probably isn’t W/W, like, the way he’s justifying it isn’t usually the way someone would justify a read on a partner
(to Gorta:)

this isn’t really AI for Gorta


this doesn’t really feel like a wolf talking about a partner
(in response to a question from PKR)

[quote=“Light, post:301, topic:84170, full:true”]

They said a couple posts that I liked, lemme grab a few

Summary to not clog thread

First post is entirely solving, important to note this was ~190 posts in.

Asks for reads

[quote=“Insanity, post:197, topic:84170, full:true”]

Wazza, for now, is just talking about mech info, and then talked about thar Arete is town.

More reads

Pointing out this fact, which, while it could easily be scum trying to undermine a clear on me, I think it much more likely comes from someone who has experience with me purposefully replicating my town meta as scum to get townread (see FoL30).

Contrarian read. This goes for everyone, but I wholeheartedly believe scum wouldn’t just randomly toss out a contrarian read against someone who is known to be a pretty good townplayer. This is obviously irrelevant if Arete is scum, but as I’ve already said, I don’t believe in that world atm.

Overall, a very strong ISO, although short. High content/post ratio.

this is, like, if I try to get something out of this it’s ‘Light put in a lot of work explaining a read to PKR in particular, which would have been unnecessary if W/W’ but mostly I don’t really think it’s that AI

(in response to PKR:)

don’t really think this means much for PKR’s alignment
(in response to PKR:)

again don’t really think this is super AI for PKR

I kind of think that Light’s response to Surge’s theory of a Light/PKR team points to PKR V? Like, Light doesn’t really seem that concerned about the fact that Surge has that read, and I think he would be more concerned if it were a correct team

I couldn’t figure out who to put this under and I’m too lazy to put it under all of them

PKR is the only one he doesn’t put in his initial PoE on D2, but I don’t think that necessarily makes PKR l o c k w o l f :tm: particularly given that Light proceeded to do almost nothing to push his reads (wow it’s almost like wolves on this site predominantly choose to go UTR and let town self-destruct)

then yesterday Appeli’s the only one not in his PoE, not super clear on how PKR made it back into his PoE (the progression on Eli is there because he just Iso’d Appel/Eli and came up with a townlean)

he says basically nothing about what this means for Gorta’s alignment, which is a little bit concerning for Gorta

I feel like I’m getting tunnelled on Appel/Eli slot and that’s probably not good

this set of posts is basically NAI
(in response to PKR)

something something WifoM of clearing a partner vs. not clearing a partner

basically NAI for everyone

so overall what I got from that:

  • cloned is still never a wolf for how Light handled him EoD1
  • Gorta has some interactions that look a little better for him, like Light actually sorta pushing him (contrast with how Light treated Wazza). not 100 percent lock but makes me feel better about his slot? this is probably the read I’m most scared of being wrong on because if Gorta’s a wolf here he’s going to be super arrogant about it in postgame and I don’t really want to have to deal with that but I think he probably isn’t.
  • Light has some interactions with Appel that make me think ‘probably not W/W’ and a handful of interactions that look really bad.
  • Light has a couple of very lightly not W/W interactions with PKR, but mostly a whole lot of nothing. I can’t rule it out but I do think Light’s interactions with Appelslot look worse for Appel than Light’s interactions with PKR do for PKR.

that took like two hours and I feel like I didn’t even get very much from it


my own reads and analysis are telling me to vote Appel but I don’t want to get yelled at in postgame by Surge if it’s actually PKR