[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Meh. This is as negligible as Leafia accidentally claiming Arbiter.

Dunno where you pulled @Alice from, but @Wazza cannot be Arbiter unless @Whysper is also HoB. …also, you are leaving the question open of “Who killed PK?”

Whysper’s ability negates redirect-immunity.

If Wazza is Arbiter, Whysper’s ability never need to be taken to equation considering someone else did the killing for him.

i pulled alice from the world where wazza is non-DI meaning that wazza was never attacked

Nah. Wazza claimed immediately during SoD. I don’t believe he can understand WTF happened and pull off that claim out of his ass had he been Arbiter.

Hmmm, I see that as a possibility now. Even if it’s unlikely.

Do you not believe they use their 24 hr to plan this. Its not even that complicated.

i think he can understand what happened when his own scummate was responsible
it’s not that difficult to plan ahead

I don’t even think he’d need to understand what happened to make that claim.

and if he claimed immediately, then why did he claim the kill on PK, but not noticed the redirect error?

Also, why didn’t he realize that Alice was night immune when she was claiming the same class that he was? Also, does this mean that one of them will kill the other once their death immunity runs out?

Stop pushing improbable worlds.
Italy is wrong. End of story.

Wazza was attacked both by Alice and PK because of Whysper, so if you want to pull that BS off you’d have to say that both Alice and Whysper belong to the same faction …and you would still leave the question of: “Who did PK kill?”

–and now you will probably say: “Maybe Champion didn’t 2f1 and PK killed Cent.”

But honestly: Occam’s Razor says that Wazza is either Marauder or Warrior. End of story.

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Which fucker aimed to dethrone the King?
Because I am planning to join or make that wagon if this King doesn’t shut the fuck up.

I agree with this honestly.

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italy isn’t wrong
results do not lie like that

Say whatever you want about me. What I said is a scenario supported by a shred of evidence.

I don’t think that scenario is worth considering at the moment.

…and of course I am left behind with the accuser, the opportunist, and the pragmatist.

FML, I am going to sleep. I am mech!confirmed Duke, so at least those two fools can’t fuck me over. @PokemonKidRyan, your sacrifice was all worth it, and I wouldn’t have made it this far had you not revealed my identity in your will.

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the very fact that i saw wazza visit leafia is damning

Good to know that I was right about you being town.

Shred of evidence in a playing ground where falsified evidence exists. …sure.