[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Tell me how Wazza could’ve visited me if Whysper is telling the truth.

I’m not talking about Italy’s claim. I’m talking about the redirect error Wazza made.

either wazza is arbiter
or whysper is fake
(or both)

Oh really now? What is Wazza, and what did he do with Leafia then?
Did he kill her? Have we been talking to a ghost this whole time?

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Wazza faked the visit. Read Arbiter’s Passive

Wazza isn’t arbiter.

arbiter can submit a person that they can appear to visit
it overrides redirections in terms of watchers

Oooooooooooo! Yup. I’m dead and I’m a ghost.

either wazza warrior and whysper scum
or wazza arbiter and whysper possibly scum

If wazza is arbiter, it doesn’t matter if whysper is scum or real.

Yup. I’d say Italy and Whysper are thunderdomed now.

If a human like Leafia can fuck up misspelling Aristocrat with Archivist, then I don’t see why a human like Wazza can’t fuck up not reading the Heroine.

Even moreso when the fucker that is Derps didn’t bother reading the OP during D1.

Moral of story: Humans fuck up all the time, and Wazza’s fuck up doesn’t cover enough for Italy’s lies to become a reality.


Cough BOTF3.

you probably picked the two clumsiest players possible for examples

Yeah. I think Italy is scum here too. /vote Italy @Amelia

There’s also hpow fast he leaped on my wagon near the beginning of D1 and never left it.

Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia clonedcheese 1/12
clonedcheese Vulgard, ash4fun, Wazza, ATNoName, Alice 5/12
Alice SirDerpsALot 1/12
Soulshade55r Surge 1/12
Wazza Italy 1/12
Italy Zone_Q11, Leafia 2/12

self meta bad
and i’m dying on that hill if i need to

i pushed emilia for it
i pushed napoleon (i think) for it
i will not leave self meta players unpushed

But the thing is. you said it yourself. Wazza is the mechanical player. He shouldn’t have fuck up like that if hes actually marauder.

And I have been questioning you: Why the hell would Wazza claim to have targetted PK instead of Leafia?

Can’t. In the world where Wazza is arbiter, it doesn’t make sense why he lied about killing PK.

And why is that?

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