[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…Which is still the same story

you need to jail italy to keep him alive

time snatch is a day ability; i will still die if ash dies

Eh… more or less, I suppose.

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or you can hunt for the new heroine idk

but it’s not ash

Speaking of which, what did Mole claimed?

This is not about you though.

I am a paranoid; Whenever something bad is possible, I am able to see them most of the time.

This time, I see something which makes me make my jail target a coin toss.

Dunno. All Mole claimed was “to have seen Derps occ Vul N1” --which Vul oddly enough confirmed somehow.

if italy dies tonight, we will lose some immensely valuable information that I will receive as I die at EoN3

@Italy @Centuries

I just thought of something…

About what time did PK and insanity indicate that Visionary was occ’d?

because for a while N.1 was supposed to be occ’d but it got changed to mole.
This might be exactly out visionary

So we should know who the Visionary is then if we’re to believe this.

For that to happen, they would have to flip their own coin, because no way in hell am I going to make the choice on my own over who I should jail.

–unless Alice comes back, but that will take a while.

Hmm, it sounds useful hint to their alignment

if you’re saying that might out me as visionary, it doesn’t. I’m dying tonight to you which is perfectly fine, I just really want italy to survive so my information from tonight can reach the town.

i fought really hard in the last two hours of D2 to not get occupied last night as if that had happened, it would have made the entirety of my strategy this game useless

if you’re saying that might out mole as visionary, that’s fine

…what? Both died within the first cycle, while the change of jail happened within the last 2.5 hours of D2 though?

I have thought about this and it’s not really possible for Moleland to be Visionary since Insanity got jettisoned before PyschoKang can make use of Observer’s abilities that can be burrowed for Visionary.

Nada, zero.

Plus we will never know what PK is, but after D1 - it doesnt matter

Cent was listening to the dead wolves, and they might have indicated that visionary was gonna be occupied. If they indicated this while N.1 was supposed to be occupied, then that would explain why they were scared of the occ but visionary still got their convert.

I thought we are exe’ing him Today because he is the primary Arbiter suspect?

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I am debunking theory here.

wait what?