[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Ages ago.

I didn’t see anything of the sort, and if he really claims Nightwatch, then he ought to be legit Champion-gone-Visionary considering the lack of kill.

Not at most. If Alice’s bleed claim was legit, then the Heroine ought to be still alive.

I thought it was literally either Mole or Whysper, considering N2’s:

  • Lack of kill
  • Mole supposedly jailed by Magnus
  • Whysper supposedly occ’ed by Derps

I need posts. Not words.

zone can you confirm you’re currently jailing me

this isn’t something you can wifom because “obviously they wouldn’t attack someone who’s going to be jailed”
you’re jailing me

The problem is that D2 King was scummy as ****, and Alice ordered me to not jail her beforehand.
(Still dunno why I shouldn’t do that though.)

Nice! …what do we do now again? Who do we jail?
–I forgot. (…wait, I am remembering Italy and/or ash4fun.)

Dunno what this does, but I wish N.1 good luck.

  1. No, not yet. I am currently planning to jail Alice since I did that before I said I would flip a coin. (Naturally, this means that I will change it soon.)
  2. I recently realized that we have Magnus as well, so I technically I can jail you as long as Magnus agrees to jail ash4fun.

magnus has time to jail ash
you have to make a day action to jail me

i am the most powerful info source
the very thought that i might not get strongmanned tonight is absurd

He did.

I don’t see how this is an issue considering you couldn’t have known that he wasn’t DI.

  1. Caps -> Bad.
  2. How is it -EV if it would greatly shrink the PoE?

…uh, sure? What about Magnus though?

Uh… sure. Done.
…so, what now?

Never mind that, I am confused who got jailed.

If Cent dies tonight, then I question BD’s sanity. Cent can’t even heal people anymore.
All he can do at best is kill others, and he somehow refuses to do so?
(Note: I forgot why he chose to use invest N3, but I remember refuting it by saying that Visionary’s passive makes invests useless.)

What do you mean N can’t be killed? He will already die assuming…
*insert thoughtful silence*
*thinks a bit more*
–never mind that thought. He will already die assuming ash4fun didn’t lie about his role.

No can do. I need to have ash4fun jailed.
–also I just realized that Cent’s time is running out since I am jailing you -> you cannot reap souls.

Also I got bled by Surge, who is just lemon.

i have three souls
do you really expect the game to last to day 7
keep me jailed

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Holy crap. With so many votes on Mole, how have we yet to hammer this guy?

So we can get Vul’s claim?

Start 2. Reap PK 3. Revive Cent 2. Jailed (N3) 1.
…I think Cent dies at D5 or N5? Assuming you don’t reap N4, that is.

pretty sure bringing cent to life cost no souls

Vulgard already claimed.

He claimed Handmaiden.

Oh for ****'s sake…
*insert thoughtful thinking*
…the only bright side from this is that we can confirm that he is still Poacher, since Alice claimed she got bled earlier Today as well.

Oh. In that case I dunno how your ability will work.
Ask mods for that kind of stuff.

Alright. Got it. I will catch up soon, but basically: I want his logs.

It’s up to L-1 and Wazza doesnt want to unvote.