[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…okay. Now I am regretting my actions.

Eh… I am just going to randomly jail someone and hope for the best that I jail the Heroine.
At least I can occ them.

wtf no dont jail at random

the living could really could use my info from tonight, but i must die as there’s no other way for me to escape the poe in a safe way

unfortunate that italy is now a dead man walking

Then what do you propose I do!?

Will do.

How am I supposed to prevent an unpreventable kill otherwise!?
We got a Visionary and a Heroine to watch out for, and I don’t know what gorta is!

Do we have any slots with a meaningless night action that is to say

not at the receiving end of like a kill
not doing the kill
not self resolving tonight

Can we just end the damn day?

Look at the time of the day, it’s a bad time and I don’t want it to get worse.

I have to avoid Italy then; otherwise I will prevent you from visiting him.

Uh… I think so. Pray that RNG works.

I can be jailed without anything causing problems

and zone should jail someone to confirm not-converted

…welp. If N dies tonight along with Italy, then I might as well jail you.
–unless we don’t kill N and let him live?

Fuck it.

/vote Mole

Just end my suffering.

N dies
Italy doesn’ because lol nightwatch

i’ll never be capable of clearing myself socially
ash killing me mitigates the circumstances the safest, hands down

it is sad that italy has no chance of surviving to d5 and thus my information dies with me, but it seems necessary

Except that you already did when you repeatedly stated that you want to die by PoE.
–well then, time to pray that Italy doesn’t die. (…or, if he does, that CRich would know who it is.)

Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
Moleland Alice, Vulgard, ash4fun, CRichard564, Leafia, Whysper, Frostwolf103, Wazza, Zone_Q11 9/10
N.1 SirDerpsALot 1/10

you know at least half the town doesn’t care

fm really only exists in one dimension, a dimension i am not capable of functioning in, which is why im never coming back after this

End it @N.1