[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…I wonder what the odds are that everything will be fine?
I wonder whether it is still fine to have N die by–
Actually, N will die regardless since ash4fun’s day ability cannot be changed anymore.

Fuck it. End this Day please!

There’s several townies that are more mechanically cleared than you are right now. Zone, Surge, and Italy come to mind. Surge is the only one that can’t possibly be evil right now due to conversion.

It’s a possibility that I’m considering at this point.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7591, topic:83266, full:true”]

Hm… @Alice, give logs or get jailed.

I’m not 100% against you jailing Alice tonight Zone. In fact, it might be for the best that you do jail Alice, just in case.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7658, topic:83266”]

Yep. …and I don’t see any problems with this.
–actually, I remember Wazza having been mech!proven to be town, so if you want to give it a shot, then you should try shooting Leafia.

The problem with this is that if Gorta shoots me he dies to my counter and he’s already stated that he won’t be shooting me.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7667, topic:83266”]

Just shoot Leafia if you want to shoot yourself.
If you die and she doesn’t, then we can confirm she is still a Marauder.

Again, no. That’s a terrible idea so stop suggesting it. We don’t want a dead Gorta. Pretty sure he’s town.

This I can agree with.

That might be a good idea at this point.

Okay. Just getting caught up as I write this. We can end the day now.

RIP quotes

“The only failure is giving up.” – Matthew Cole

/vote Moleland

okay can we just end the day now?

Pray RNG.



Silence! That is Hammer!


Pretty sure that’s hammer @Amelia, @anon6348071 and @Jane.

Final VC

Voted Voters Votes
Moleland Alice, Vulgard, ash4fun, CRichard564, Leafia, Whysper, Frostwolf103, Wazza, Zone_Q11, N.1 10/10
N.1 SirDerpsALot 1/10

The third day neared to its end, court members growing restless as accusations were thrown left and right, spurred on by the terrible weather outside. The court fell into a complete state of disarray, until Moleland called for everyone’s attention.
“We should stop this pointless arguing. Has no one noticed that N.1 has been too complacent in the court? All that he has done was suspect everyone, not even bothering to find our enemies.” He folded his hands on his chest, icy gaze piercing N.1.

“But I have done no such thing. I’ve been trying to find the remaining traitors, of course I would be paranoid. Which reminds me… You weren’t here when we found PokemonKidRyan in the courtroom, just as you were the last one to go into the wine cellars before TheBlueElixir was found stuffed in a barrel…”

Moleland’s eyes widened at that, his composure broken for a moment. “Slander, everyone knows that I’ve arrived here at the same time as you. Most – if not all – can confirm that. As for the cellar, it doesn’t mean anything at all.” He stated, eyes darting around the crowd – yet the congregation remained silent.

“Could you perhaps show us your weapon?” N.1 pressed further, tilting his head. Of course, if it was clean that wouldn’t mean Moleland is innocent – but surely he had no reason to refuse.

It took him a few moments to notice it, but faint reddish stains sat on the ridges of the weapon – vibrant enough to be relatively fresh.

“This is-” N.1 stepped back as a deep sense of dread welled in his stomach, just in time to avoid the man’s ruthless swing. Guards rushed to them as Moleland expertly feinted to the right, stabbing the closest guard through his chest and quickly slicing at the second, court erupting into a panic. Most of them scattered to the sides, away from the carnage that took place in the middle of the courtroom.

Moleland continued cutting through the royal forces with uncanny agility, until at last the six of them managed to corner him near the wall. The look in his eyes was vicious, almost fanatical, and he wasted no time charging at the closest one. This time, however, the guards were quicker than him – five swords piercing his dark armor, keeping him in place.

He made no sound except for a quiet gasp as he gathered breath to utter his final words:
“We will purge your corruption from these lands and claim them as our own. Engrave that into your wicked minds, Unseen.”

Moleland has been executed! He was…

The Arbiter :shield: :crossed_swords:

Hand of Byzantium Special

Battle-Tested (Passive) - You are passively:

  • Immune to death at night.
  • You are occupation and redirection immune. This effect is kept upon class change

Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • At the start of the game or when promoting to arbiter, you can choose any class to appear as to investigative abilties.
  • Each night you may submit 1-2 players who you will to appear to visit to investigative abilities. If none are chosen you will appear to visit your real target.
  • You may choose one day ability from any non-unique Unseen to add to your classcard.
  • Should the starting or second arbiter die, the original champion or third starting member will take your place. There can never be a fourth arbiter by any means.

Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current Champion, if they are the original Champion, they were the third starting member, or they were promoted from a Socialite, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use

Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, Two night cooldown on success, unusable Night 1

Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may redirect them to another player, or redirect them to themself. If they are redirected to themself, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and the Blue Dragon.

He left no logs for the court.

Day 3 has ended and Night 3 shall now begin! It will end at 2020-08-16T23:36:00Z. You all know the drill about your night actions.


For once in the past days the Unseen congregation slept somewhat peacefully, even as the terrible weather outside continued raging on. It must’ve been somewhere in the early morning as not a single soul was seen in the corridors of Adiart, when out of nowhere the halls were filled with a low, thrumming reverberation and a sudden loud sound, shattering the quiet of the night.

Lighter sleepers woke up immediately, although as the noise continued almost every member of the royal court scattered from their rooms and into the halls – some lighting their way with candles, others with their magic. Amelia was among the first ones to wake and so she wasted no time, immediately recognizing the sound and commanding the Unseen as a low, rhythmic humming continued resonating in the background.

“It’s the southern bell tower and someone’s ringing the main bell – we need to go and investigate, now.” She motioned for the crowd to follow, absentmindedly noticing how much smaller it looked compared to the first day, when she and Jane called them all together. To think of it, quite a few members weren’t here and it didn’t take much to guess why. Nonetheless, whatever group remained followed her without a question.

To get to the bell tower itself, they would have to pass through the stretching parapet walk, out in the pouring rain. Normally, the Unseen would use halls below – but that part of the castle collapsed back before their initial takeover of Adiart, and so there was no other way. Opening ancient oaken doors to the parapet, Amelia silently cursed as she almost tripped over something – a linen sack.

Completely soaked, at first it resembled nothing more than a pile of wet cloth, yet at a closer look one could notice a very distinct shape of a body.

“Drag it inside.” Jane ordered the moment they took a glimpse at the sack, bell’s low chiming accompanying their horrifying discovery. As soon as it was hauled inside, the former Assassin wasted no time slicing the cloth with their dagger, revealing a bloodied body.

It was N.1 – the castle’s resident Handmaiden – limbs completely twisted and bound in several coils of bloodied rope. His expression was empty: clouded eyes uncannily staring forward, specks of blood staining his lips.

After a quick discussion they settled on leaving the body for later and pressed forward, stepping into the pouring rain one by one. All of them made it safely across the slippery wall, only to notice that the deafening ringing which woke them up had abated – just a few moments before they reached the tower itself.

Storming inside, they were greeted with several lit candles surrounding a body hanging from the rafters, swaying gently in the strong wind. Another Handmaiden – Vulgard – was strung by his hands, wearing the same empty expression as N.1 did. Various runes and signs were carved into his flesh as ash was scattered in shape of a sigil below him, a pristine silver bowl sitting in the middle of it – filled with blood.

Their little group stood stunned until someone proposed to get him down and while they worked, Amelia noticed something else.

An open trap door stood to the side, the one that was leading to the aviary – whoever did this must’ve used it to escape.

Without a second thought Amelia called out to others and jumped in, hastily descending down the ladder into darkness, others following her example as soon as Vulgard’s body was down.

It took them a few moments to catch up to the Mastermind, their drenched group stopping abruptly after making another turn and reaching the aviary itself, main doors strewn open as something vile unveiled before their eyes.

A corpse – there was no doubt what it was – laid in front of the open bird cages. Crows and ravens that the Unseen preferred to use as their messengers squabbled around the victim, feathers rustling as they ravenously pecked at its flesh, unceremoniously stepping into the puddle of half-dried blood and smearing it all around the body. Chasing off the feasting birds away and getting them back into their cages had proven to be an ample task in itself, but at last, they were able to identify the mangled man before them – castle’s famous Nightwatch, CRichard.

“It couldn’t have been him ringing the bell.” The Mastermind shook her head, unable to pry her eyes from the gruesome scene. “He has been dead for hours. We have to press on.”

A wave of somber agreements sounded from the crowd, and so they kept moving forward.

Yet, just like on every other night, they split throughout the halls of south Adiart, searching every corridor and every abandoned room to no avail. They stalked the passages of south Adiart into the early hours of morning, but found nothing – save for the dead end where collapsed stones were blocking their path. Whoever it was had managed to somehow get away without alerting them – or perhaps the murder in aviary was just a distraction. After bringing the dead Unseen members back into the medical ward and preparing them for burial, Unseen gathered in the courtroom once more, ready to put an end to this horror.

N.1 was killed during the night! He was…

The Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two dead players. At the end of the night, you will learn if they were killed by the same player, as well as which factions visited the players the night they died.- 2 uses :crown:
Rumor (Day) - You cannot use this ability on day 1. Make a player “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if a player is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite uses
Prying Servants (Night) - Choose a living player and a dead player. At the end of the night, you will learn if the living player visited the dead player on the night they died. - 3 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


I’m running out of time.

D2: Rumour CRichard564
N2: Matchmake Light – Match (likely due to light self-godfatherizing)
D3: Change Sheets PsychoKang and Light
N3: Matchmake Whysper, I am likely dying to timesnatch

@Magnus, you said this in an Airlock whisper with KyoDaz, at 11:12 P.M. AEDT, July 6th, 2020: “If we want to give Zone the biologist role ASAP, I’d have to swap him with the biologist.
In any case, I’m fairly certain pkr got the biologist role last night, and he’s alive.”

@Zone_Q11, you said this in an Airlock whisper with KyoDaz, at 9:48 P.M. CEST, July 10th, 2020: “Well… okay then. Just have him vote for cheese.
–also, please nominate cheese already.
We can worry about warps later.
For now, we need the votes so we don’t repeat D5.”

@an_gorta_pratai, you said these two things in your Insurgency classcard:

  1. at 4:53 P.M. EDT, May 15th, 2020: “Does this mean that I can kill anyone who has posted less than 40 posts that day?”
  2. two minutes later: “so, the ability isn’t completely useless”

Vulgard was killed during the night! He was…

The Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two dead players. At the end of the night, you will learn if they were killed by the same player, as well as which factions visited the players the night they died.- 2 uses :crown:
Rumor (Day) - You cannot use this ability on day 1. Make a player “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if a player is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite uses
Prying Servants (Night) - Choose a living player and a dead player. At the end of the night, you will learn if the living player visited the dead player on the night they died. - 3 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


Vulgard, the Handmaiden.
N1 - Matchmake Whysper. Occupied by Derps.
D2 - Change Sheets PsychoKing and Centuries.
N2 - Matchmake SirDerpsALot.
N3 - Matchmake ash4fun.

CRichard564 was killed during the night! He was…

The Nightwatch

Unseen Investigative
Follow (Night) - Observe a player to see who visits them at night. - Infinite uses
Window Peek (Night) - Learn a target’s faction. - 2 Uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


CRichard564 the Nightwatch

N1: Peek Vulgard - Unseen
N2: Peek L1ght - Unseen yet they flipped Crusader
N3: Follow Italy

Vulgard if Visionary isn’t any of the other slots.

Night 3 has ended and Day 4 will now begin! It will end at 2020-08-18T23:44:00Z. With 14 players alive, majority is 8. You may now post

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what’s up

I did, what’s the point of this

I had to leave for yard work at the EoD yesterday and forgot to submit my action

yeah i may have checked vulgard who is now dead vhigvidhfigosdh

really now

Like I forgot about it entirely


you forgot about it?