[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Gossipped, used it on a wolfread as I want to check if SDA is still legit.

He also lost his killing power.

We have at least 3 roleblocks and maybe 4
We also have 1 kill confirmed if I choose to do it

So like we pretty good actually?

@Alice What was your night action and your result?
@SirDerpsAlot What did you even do last night?
@Whysper ^^^
@ash4fun Who did you save last night?

Zone decided it would be a good idea to execute a PR.

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Are you dense? Iā€™ve been extremely busy since D3 and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve barely been able to play lately. Iā€™ve been literally hard-carrying Unseen here and got 5/6s of the starting wolves down and I have gorta nailed down rn.

And itā€™s simple really.
If Alice is still alive tomorrow then we just yeet them.

I can tell you that I wouldnā€™t make myself even more suspicious by saying by making myself more suspicious if I was the visionary. @Whysper who would you have redirected me to and @Alice why were you reluctant to reveal night actions to trusted people in allies and jailers/role blockers who did yā€™all jail

/Vote Gorta

Itā€™s probably FrostWolf anyway Tbh.

However all youā€™ve been doing is lying about not having chance to change your night action, making Leafia shoot Vulgard who was Unseen and not even speaking about your actions.

I redirected Gorta as planned. He was suppose to shoot me and apparently he forgot to do his night action.


Iā€™m done for the

yeet Gorta

Let Alice and Frost die while roleblocked plan

Visionary do be RB immune though so yikes i guess

As I said, I was busy. Iā€™m fucking a WiM-machine when I wolf as youā€™ve seen in CFM2 where I was literally the top-poster as a SK.

Who did you redirect him to?


We technically still have majority even if we were to lose some town in the process.
I think you should kill someone Tonight.

It supposedly got redirected by Whysper, but I have yet to hear to whom he had redirected the attack.

ā€¦would you mind elaborating how?

I meanā€¦ sure, I guess.
I suppose it would also lighten my burden of having to choose between Alice and Frostwolf?

Technically, only one of them. I am assuming the worst about a world where CtA wasnā€™t used Yesterday.

Yeet Gorta today.
@SirDerpsAlot Roleblock Frost
@Zone_Q11 Jail Alice

I never said anything about killing Alice and you can read my start of day to explain why I didnā€™t shoot.

Which is gorta. Iā€™ve been dunking on BD left and right and Frost is stupidly villagery.

Hmmm gorta and frost didnt commit kills


Activity is NAI.