[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Last I saw Frost he mentioned that gorta was his target. That’s why I told Wazza and Leaf to not yeet him.

You still did select a target, right?

he a rber
i shoot him
he rbs he good
he doesnt rb he dead scum

It might be good to hold that back for a bit to see if the BD slip up in their mech logic. Let’s just say that the person isn’t dead.

Cent what did you do last night?

Bro you weren’t carrying all of it.
In fact I’m the one that actually wanted to Push Soul over Cheese.

Oh also, do note. I’ll be attacked and killed tonight, apparently I lose my passive despite the fact it’s not stated in my class, so gl Town.

@Leafia Keep this in mind.

invest vulgard

he do be special/invest

Literally do this. Gossip is useless now and I die overnight either way.

However, if what ash did is correct, then Ash saved you last night.

And did you get anything out of it?

You… redirected his shot to you?

Agh, fuck, what am I even getting at, you can’t be the Visionary.

No, that wouldn’t change anything because he was already suppose to target me.

There’s no way BD would waste a day to not bleed someone to confirm their Visionary. It’s not worth it when the PoE against them is so small and they’re practically a waste.

There is physically no way you’re Visionary because this late into the game, BD can not afford to not bleed for an entire day.

Correct. I wanna see who Derps targeted rn.

They could if they went full on buss mode but I highly doubt that.
Just note if they are alive tomorrow then Alice is scum that went full on buss mode as Alice wouldn’t lie about a bled here if they were Town. They would have happily allowed me to bleed them and not lie about someone else bleeding them so I didn’t have to bled FrostWolf

Meaning Alice is Town with a BD Bled
Or Scum faking a Bled

I was the one who pushed in Insanity despite that a lot of other people were TR’ing him.

I was the one who bountied PK and was going to get him lynched D2 had Wazza not killed him.


Did you save me?

Occ only works for Visionary; Heroine is unaffected.

…sure? Is everyone fine with this?

…really now. This is your excuse?
After all that we have talked about Yesterday?