[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Give me your top 3 scum reads and your top 3 town reads and why?

let me go back and find my previous reads and work from there
i can’t think of them rn so

This is a ridiculous thought. You don’t remember anything from reading the thread? You have to go back to your prior reads?

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Have you read the thread?

I hope you know that I was talking in hypothetical terms.

(keep in mind that i dont have many reads in general)
seth is scumlean because of his (seeimingly) random push
i didnt see wazza’s explanation for his… bleed reads?
so ill go look at that later
and that’s about it

(if you’re wondering about Insanity, i haven’t read him)

yes but my memory is horrible

That’s not a good sign

Seeing little activity going on. I’m just gonna dip, but I want a couple of thing before I come back which is Magnus and Insanity posting.

i’d have to agree with you
depending on what isn’t a good sign

I believe the explanation was something like “if they were bled, they were most likely bled by scum which means it’s a 3/23 chance they’re scum”.

Is this the one on Chloe, or is this the one on PKR?


Did Magnus just claim and dip?


also thanks for the explanation

But of course. Hypothetical.

more like he did 3 fluffpost and dip

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Magnus has not been seen for more than 3 useless posts.

but did he claim?

it’s sad but the claiming part is important

nah he never claim

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The one on Chloe I believe was something of a misunderstanding which was cleared up, and with PKR, he was in a thunderdome as PKR claimed to have a redcheck on him, which was revealed to be a RT.

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If Magnus claimed it’d be somewhat normal because

Magnus likes claiming his role a lot


The three fluff posts is meh

Would agree I’d like to see Magnus post more