[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I wish I was easily confirmable. That would make things easier.

Leafia wolf or lhf?

i have to catch up with this mess
also the vote shenanigans are making me scared for no reason whatsoever

i’d have to agree with this
same with N’s


also is soulshade like actually following up with joke to death tunnel leafia?
it seems like it tbh

but without the town part
they’re null.

hol up

leafia wolf

although i do find the whole self-meta for leafia kind of

I don’t mind the self meta and it’s not too unusualy

what is scummy is the posts where she almost tmis ppl calling them “not intelligent” instead of wrong o_O

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I don’t like how you are playing the “it’s my self meta card”

Explain to me why you think people should town read you off the basis that you wouldn’t put yourself in the open as scum.

Just comes across as disingenuous to me and that your not actually trying to clear yourself for helping town, making reads, pushing others ect.

LHF obviously. Do you seriously think my wagon would get this much traction so quickly if I was a wolf? The wolves have just seen this push on me and realized it’s a chance to get me mistreated quickly.

That’s p standard though

keep in mind

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i don’t think you even understand this setup

there’s 23 people that arent aligned with you if you’re scum?


I think she’s scummy nonetheless and the way she tackles it is definetly a bad look imo o_O

There’s only 2 wolves that would support you.

Why is it wolves not bad townies?

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Honestly I do think Leafia could just be LHF but I’m not going to use that as a excuse to just leave them alone all game

You watched her death tunnel like 4 town in Joat, right?

anyways im not one to make d1 scumreads
wait did i just self-meta
but i have changed my mind about leafia being a null
into a very slight scumlean
purely based off of her reactions

yes but my issue is that she’s death tunneling no one

she’s just reading people as not intelligent for SRing her o_O

She said derps reads were bad when they were near perfect

I’m not reading her for her non existent reads though

She hasn’t made any o_O