[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Hammer time!

Silence! That is hammer!


Final VC

Voted Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai Frostwolf103, Alice, Wazza, Whysper, Zone_Q11, ash4fun, Centuries, ATNoName 8/8
Frostwolf103 an_gorta_pratai, Leafia 2/8
1 Like

Yes I am and I’m scared that both Gorta and Frost could both be town and that’s a possibility that no one is considering right now. That’s why I think that yeeting Frost is the safest bet today, just to make sure that isn’t the case.



Guards hauled Gorta to the courtroom, the four of them completely drenched.
“Found him in the bell tower.” One of them grunted, shaking off water from his gloves. “Probably the one who killed those three that you found last night.”
Gorta shook his head, protesting: “I came back to investigate and nothing more! It’s as simple as that.”
“You went to investigate alone, in those completely dark halls, with your weapon on you?” ATNoName raised his brow, pointing to Gorta’s arbalest in the guard’s hands. “This sounds… Suspicious.”

“It’s not! Has anyone even looked into the weird ash sigil under Vulgard’s body – and the signs on his body as well? What about that bowl full of blood? Something strange is going on and all of you were content to just forget about it.” He rose his hands up defensively, but the courtroom remained silent.
“A bowl full of blood? Signs carved into Vulgard’s body?” ATNoName frowned in confusion, tilting his head. “I don’t remember finding anything like that in the bell tower.” A few affirmations were heard from the side, remaining court members looking disturbed.

“Vulgard’s body had no wounds – even the medical ward couldn’t really figure out what happened with him.” Someone chimed in, shifting their shoulders. “Are you trying to deceive us?”
“Of course not!” Gorta protested, a strange chill running down his spine. “How can you not remember?!”
“He’s just trying to fool us, it’s obvious.” Another voice growled. “All this talk about blood and rituals is just an attempt to distract us – he should be executed!”
“This is some kind of a terrible mistake or a joke, please. I was simply trying to investigate.” He pleaded as guards pushed him out of the court into the dark corridor, the echo of his voice soon quieting down.

The court members stood motionless, all watching the discarded arbalest lying on the floor: one of the guards must’ve dropped it. A loud crackle of thunder illuminated the courtroom for a moment, breaking the strange trance that engulfed the congregation.
“Wait.” ATNoNamemuttered, horrified. “Why did we order to take Gorta away just now? He was right about Vulgard, wasn’t he?”

Gorta has been executed! He was…

The Arbalist

Unseen Killer
Volley (Day) - If you fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Raven Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of the Unseen with it. - Infinite uses
Pin Down (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


D1: nothing
N1: pin down light
D2: nothing
N2: ravenshot soul
D3: nothing
N3: ravenshot whysper (action submitted too late)
I think if we don’t nab the visionary today it’s likely in someone like Alice/TBE/some other “clear” player. It just makes sense. They would have to have thread presence and some influence. Watch out because these wolves will endgame for sure if y’all don’t RE-EVAL at every corner. Don’t just sheep someone because they are “good players” or have tons of thread presence/influence.

Day 4 has ended and Night 4 shall now begin! It will end at 2020-08-18T23:21:00Z. Actions in an hour before SoD, yadda yadda


The night has ended! What happened?

ash4fun was killed during the night! He was…

The Timesnatcher

Unseen Support
Time Snatch (Day) - If you were to die tonight by a healable cause. Redirect tonight’s death to targeted player as a healable attack. - 2 uses
No Time to Waste (Day) - Target player will become immune to occupation and redirection for the rest of the game. You may not target yourself. - One use
Temporal Distortion (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 days. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses :crown:
Dark Dimension (Night) - Guarantee that all feedback regarding target player is accurate. - 3 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


D1 - no action
N1 - delayed bleed on Vulgard to EoN4 (lol healed dead now)
D2 - time snatch Moleland; hosts says this works with magnus
N2 - delay bleed on Wazza
D3 - time snatch N.1
N3 - untailor Whysper
D4 - no action
N4 - delay bleed on alice

Frostwolf103 was killed during the night! He was…

The Baronet

Unseen Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Gerissen (Passive) - If you have killed any Unseen-aligned players in the match, then you will not be allowed to receive votes to become the King.
Missgunst (Day) - Grants night immunity for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. - 2 uses
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirects the selected player’s action to you while also granting yourself immunity to all redirected attacks and conversions, then attack the player. If you successfully kill a player then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Vom Tach (Night) - Prevents you from being occupied or redirected, then attacks your target and kills them, bypassing healing and night immunity. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - 0 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


D1: Missgunst (no gain)
N1: No Action
D2: No Action
N2: Mittelhau Soul (gain Vom Tach)
D3: Missgunst
N3: Mittelhau N.1 (nothing)
D4: N/A
(If I die but not removed from logs then this means Call of Arms isn’t used and it’s direct attack against me, it cannot be from redirected attacks since I am immune to all sorts of redirected attacks)

At all honesty, I dont play the same way as you people do. There’s just way too many players to keep track on

Surge claims to be Poacher so if he dies like I am, then no it’s not mine, I am IMMUNE to all redirection that causes me to attack someone else

italy actually play serious, good thing or probably not?

You know about N.1? he talks about no mechanical play he will find players suspicious, later in Day 1 he ends up talking mechanical play. Hahaha, if I had decided to hurt him then I hAvE aLrEaDy DoNe SoOoOo, no who am I to judge besides defending Insanity with their Fanatic things? If there was fanatic claim alive then I am glad they didn’t decide to use it.

Magnus was killed during the night! He was…

The Torturer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as two for you.
The Duke’s Assistant (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection and keep this part of the passive on class change. Additionally, if the player who started as the Duke dies, you will instantly become the new Duke. You will have the same amount of Execute charges as the Duke did when they died.
Solitary Confinement (Day) - Prevent a player from using day abilities today. Two uses
Incarcerate (Night) - Occupy a player and prevent all visits to them tonight. Infinite uses
Enhanced Interrogation (Night) - Remove all uses of your target’s limited usage abilities. This will secretly fail on the Visionary or the Arbiter but you will not know if this is the case. One use

Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.

  • Magnus the Torturer
    N1 - Incarcerated Leafia
    N2 - Incarcerated N.1
    N3 - Incarcerated Zone
    N4 - Incarcerated Centuries (SC Frost)
    (Action submitted too late, did not get processed).

Centuries was killed last night! He was…

The Plaguebearer

Unseen Special
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion to use at night. Each potion must be used before the same one can be brewed again. Infinite uses
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. Infinite uses

  • Truth Potion: Get a player’s class type grouping.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player. You will be immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player and cure any bleeding they might have. :crown:
  • Volatile Potion: Attack a player. If they are aligned with the Unseen you will commit suicide.

Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


i wasn’t in allies, god knows why lmao
Just Killing magnus, if he survives lock him as town

Night 4 has ended and Day 5 has begun! It will end at 2020-08-20T23:45:00Z. With 9 players alive, majority is 5. You may now post

Man, I can still hardly believe Gorta was telling the truth. I was like 90% sure he was scum. In some ways I feel sorry for him, but at the same time he also jeopardized our chances for town to win. :frowning:

And now look at all the town deaths this morning. :frowning:

Welp, a lot has changed for the worst.

ech hem

I’ve been preparing this post.

Props to Leafia for reading Gorta as town

@SirDerpsAlot Don’t tell them any of what we discussed last night because I. AM. PISSED.

Okay so listen up, ATNoName is a moron and decided it would be a good idea to change the allies and fuck up my plan entirely which I was still going for anyway. Instead of adding Centuries he added SDA for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON and it leads me to believe that they’re BD/HoB King. Additionally, ALICE ISN’T DEAD. Which makes me think she is the. I’m going to wait to see if their info contradicts the night plan me, ATNoName, Italy and SDA discussed because we learnt some shit from Dead Chat just like I expected. So good fucking luck. This has completely ruined the game for my, fyi. But I feel like we can still win. It’s simple for me.

/vote Alice.

  1. Surge - Poacher
  2. ATNoName - ??? King
  3. Wazza - Marauder
  4. Zone_Q11 - Duke
  5. Alice - Aristocrat - KILL
  6. Leafia - Marauder
  7. Whysper - Bureaucrat
  8. SirDerpsalot - Forest Witch
  9. Italy - Soulcatcher

Why did we have 2 towns that somehow missed the damn deadline.

look I thought we could RT Derps since he claimed to occ a dead person



Get the fuck out of here, I was going to confirm him via Italy. I hold no regards for you.

No. Town jeopardized its chances for a win by not listening to me. With Ash’s death, Zone and Wazza die tonight I believe and we don’t know if Whysper or Alice is Visionary now. We’re not hammering one of them until we’re sure. 100% sure.

jesus christ you were a stubborn one in allies, I told you not to do it.

Do what?

This is annoying because even the deadline shouldn’t stop this.

The deadline was meant to be 30 minutes but OH HO HO ,LET’S GO CHANGE EVERYTHING.