SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

N.1 did derps RB you?

But then you can be online in the afternoon? or the morning? it’s 48/24 damnit

I did plan for it.
I woke up at eight o’clock, so I’d be online at time.
I sent the action in at nine.

No you didn’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t have missed the dead line.

you know
i’d like to not instantly assume people are lying about their reasonings

I saw the time, and forgot about the one-hour thing. I did prepare.

Ever heard of people lying to themselves?

Thank you.

Ever heard about players being salty?

at least not with IRL stuff
go ahead in FM
but like
if they’re proven good (via death)
and then they say something about not doing action cuz IRL stuff
that’s perfectly fine

Whatever. It’s fine. Magnus resolved.

Now did italy get info from N.1 about the roleblock?

Yes and why wouldn’t I be salty?

well at least he tried!

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ure just saying this because it’s helping your faction

The logic about this is outrageous. Me lying about that is pointless when it can be easily proven true or false after the game.

i understand why you think that way
but c’mon
at least give some leeway to those who make mistakes

Exactly how though?
It’s already happened.

I’m not giving him leeway he literally gamethrew and he had an entire 24 hour long nightphase to submit the action. There’s no “but I forgot” he has no actual excuse but the fact he was too lazy to send it at any time during the day but before night end

have a nice day
for all we know he has a very busy sched (which he has implied he does)

Why is he still in the game then?