[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

I was reading you as scum before you talked to me. Try again.

Answer the question

Can you explain why you’re scumreading Emilia? Because right now, I don’t really see it.


Poor tone at the start, visibly uncomfortable yet still trying to post, and now they’re clogging thread.

How is this relevant.

I can’t tell considering I believed it wasn’t

Your ISO was like one-liners and other crap from what I could tell.

Yeah but you said you were bringing it back, so ???

Kinda lazy town who is very chaotic.

Semi related to fluffposting meta.

Though granted not entirely connected, but I misremembered the post I guess.

Literally my second or first post

Neither does the question

i thought that was a joke post

Hmmmm, that’s understandable. I didn’t really notice any of that. Thanks. I’ll try isoing her.

I forgot this game existed. Hello people

By the way Aelin, I said I was nervous earlier myself, Why haven’t you sus’d me?

Why would I joke about that

because i was making jokes like that

i know this is a neutral read and neutral hunting is bad:tm:
but aelin is giving nk vibes to me
idk why

Screenshot (434)

emilia stop being annoying

Give example of any?

I am replying to someone else and I do this every game

No u

Encourage everyone to get involved in the conversation

You’ve replied 3 times to @Aelin in this particular topic!

A great discussion includes many voices and perspectives. Can you get anybody else involved?

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