[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

well i would die

the constant accusations on d1, and the king just being the king

why is this weird in your opinion?

Reminds me of my first wolf game.

GGhana/Bacon probably not W/W btw.

I donā€™t think this is how GGhana treats a newbie wolf partner tbh while defending him at the same time.

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baconā€™s posting is really pure
he can go in the v pile too

because we dont have any information yet?

what do you think of my slot?

i do not know what you mean

Massping part 1 (screw you ping limit!)



do you think im a wolf or a villager?

Slot means them and anyone that replaces them

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Massping part 2


*slot means a player

*basically if i got replaced with someone else. Letā€™s call them Beth. People could refer to GGhanaā€™s slot and mean beth as a player


Why do you hesitate to choose?

Villager = Town = Good = Uninformed majority

the good guys

the town

b e c a u s e i d o n t k n o w.

Why donā€™t you know?