SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

He was too aggresive on me, which is heavily suspicious behaviour in regular ToL.
I guess it’s way different here in FoL, where every BD is hostile and the scum keeps quiet.

I apologize for suspecting you Orange /:


@people who were defending Wolfy.

Why. Just why.
Lynching scummy people is a good way to go.

Orange, Methnor and me were actually reading people very well, acussing total of 2 neutrals from 3 people we accused. The resistance to lynching a witch was like…


If something is confirmable, we will let it be confirmed at nearest possibility. If something is scummy and unconfirmable - it should be removed.
That’s the point.

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  1. Get yourself together and think of how you were playing and why.
  2. Think twice what is scummy and what is not.
  3. Think trice about night actions

I really hope last day’s results and this night results will shake you enough to consider what are you doing in this game.

Yep, occupying a person leading a town is good idea if you are scum. But if they claim occupy immune role, it’s pointless.
And if it was town who tried to occupy me… well, at least I’m more confirmed then I was. Still stupid action tho.

Rant completed.

/vote PKR

If someone really needs a reasoning here:

  1. “The only reassuring thing which fully convinced me is Polik can add this to their archive if it’s actually Coroner.”
    I mean why would you even give that as a reason. Why would you care if neutral has correct or wrong archive when voting somoene out.
  2. Changing opinion on Wolfy after claiming BD Invest from defending to wanting to execute them.

Luxx, you claimed Investigative class, results would be useful btw.

I can agree with the 2nd reason there, but at the same time it was somewhat of a bad claim. A class that can be confirmed “later” to buy time.
But it might also mean he’s afraid of being checked.

Don’t have any info to share sadly…

Oh, you all. Don’t forget to take invest claims with a grain of salt. After all, the Source can target anyone each night to both read their class and to see any visits coming from them and targeting them.

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The source is basically an observer that also sees their target’s class.

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I’d like PKR to post his night actions/results, I agree with Eevee’s reasoning. I know what he softed, would like to see if anyone can confirm it or if his journal checks out.



oh I thought sketch was alive

Uhm… okay?

I mean, we didn’t even want a claim from you, vut thats alright I guess?

You all take a second look at corpses

Wolfy’s arm is adorned with black marks

Orange’s face is now covered in black marks as well

The marks seem to take a bit to develop after death…


This summoner man.

That… is a problem now.

It seems my idea of a succubus existing is wrong. It’s just summoner victims reveal marks when they due, regardless as to whether they were actually marked. That means there’s only one more person, right?

Seems like it.
Hey Moleland, what are you, by the way? :3

I’m a volunteer my good man