SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

But the Viking is my child <3
Same with Corn and the Death Note Artist and the Author, all of my wonderful children <3

Unknown, not that I minded too much, but what was the point of White Gripping me?

I hope we don’t have The Wicked(the only one of my creations possible that did not surface so far. That one is annoying!
But yeah really, Viking is a good possibility with all these Immunity piercing attacks.

The Source King has an ability that instantly occupies and kills someone at night, bypassing night and occupy immunities. I was known so… yeah. BTW: You are confirmed NOT source king now.

Fair enough. Plus you didn’t have to Great Cleansing me to prove it and we still have that, so I’m happy with this.

So how many marks does the Summoner have active? 3 now, since I got marked this last night?

You are wrong. I did use it. On you. I had to because the Grip does affect every king and because I cannot investigate kings as normal. Only The Great Cleansing can prove that the King is not corrupt.

Oh, my bad, I got my wires crossed and forgot that White Grip is a day ability.
But yeah. We’ll have to do this the old fashioned way, but at least I’m proven to not be the Source now.

You will not magically turn into the Source if you get corrupted.

Yeah, I know. It’s unfortunate that we had to use it on someone who isn’t the Source but I understand why it had to be done (hell I even said to do it immediately upon stepping up), getting a Source King on Day 2 is disasterous.

@Ami are you the Quartermaster?
@RopeStringFace are you the Duke?

Noz is more or less confirmed.

Rope however…?

Rope was the Duke before the reset.
Ate an arrow from Frostwolf.

… people are really lacking reading comprehension skills here.

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Someone tried to occupy me.

Noz gave a shield to a king

Archer shot a claimed confirmable BD class


You had one job.


@Braixen @Luxx

Why was Orange scummy from your PoV to begin with? Cause he was playing agressive?
So am I. And look, we got a witch day 2 thanks to that.

That was a class wich was going to be confirmed straight away when today stars.

@ whoever occupied me

I claimed an occupy immune class.
Why would you even bother to do it…


Confirm that I used a sword last night btw.

Ehm… how many more bad plays happened last night?