SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I don’t think so, pkr is easily proven, so I’d look into Jammy and Insanity for me

Ehm, how is it easily proven?

A witch and a summoner.

can you imagine what would happen if the Fool was around at the same time as the Summoner and you lynch the Fool?

Witch is dead tho

i know. but we now have to deal with a summoner. This entire game has been us dealing with "bomb’ type classes.

Tbh, I don’t really care of summoner yet.

Even if they perform the ritual they will just kill people with marks. I don’t like idea of Methnor dying, but I don’t mind Moleland for example, as he is in PoE.

It’s to the point that summoner could just claim summoner imo and help us remove corrupted and he will perform ritual afterwards.

I naturally will welcome a claim.

I need it for my Archive.

Luxx isn’t a summoner target nor a Summoner I believe.
Or else I’d have expected they’d have been marked already.
Basically, we’re not voting Luxx nor me. At all whatsoever

I really don’t want to die because I don’t want to give the Source an opportunity to step up.

That is only thing I have against summoner starting the ritual yet tbh

Even if they don’t step up during Royal Blood (because anyone who does will be obviously the Source) I don’t like the chance of them blending in during the normal phase and getting Kingship.


But… How would you know they aren’t?

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PKR you can rule out Luxx as a mark target, but you can’t rule her out as the Summoner itself.

I don’t but, all I’m thinking is, nobody would soft invest as a NK.
That’s pretty much seppuku

He can… If…

Corrupt Sight(Night) - Determine the target’s class, who it visits and who visits your target - Unlimited Uses

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I don’t think it’s befitting PKR to slip like that.

Splashing paint is a day ability?

To slip?
I never slipped :expressionless:

eevee implied that you slipped as being the Source, and I meant to say that it doesn’t seem like something you’d do.
I phrased it wrong, my bad.

/Vote Insanity