SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I was The Retainer.



@Insanity - are you sure Noz didn’t visit me last night?


PKR swapped me & Rope.
You guarded me.

Sooo… wait a second.
1 - my house
2 - Rope house
3 - Insanity house

Insanity’s action takes priority.
He redirects PKR swap, making PKR swap Insanity & Rope.
Then Noz tries to visit me, but is forced to go to Insanity’s house, where Rope is.

K, that does explain it.

Rope is gonna kill the shit out of somebody tonight and we don’t even have a claim from him I don’t think.
Not ideal.

In short - sword wich I was meant to get went to Rope, who was in Insanity’s house.

Somehow I find it funny.

The real question is.

@PokemonKidRyan - Why would you swap person who is immune to attacks with someone who is meant to possibly die that night.
@Insanity - Why would you guard person immune to attacks and all other negative effects (redirects/occupations).

I mean, I do believe it, but it seems so pointless.


  1. If Unown still has cleansing:
  • Lynch Kitsune
  • Cleanse source
  1. If Unown doesn’t have cleansing:
  • Lynch Source
  • PKR paint splashes to block Kitsune

2.1 If PKR has one more paint splash:

  • Lynch Corruptor
  • PKR paint splashes to block Kitsune

2.2 If PKR doesn’t have more paint splash

  • Lynch Kitsune
  • Lynch Corruptor

Corruptor in 2.2 still shouldn’t be able to create new Source, as they can do it on day 9 (?)

Rock and roll.
Unknown said he used Great Cleansing on me already but if you want him to double confirm it that’s fine.

I do, cause if he didn’t then it all can end like… tonight.

That being said I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I’m a smidge suspicious of you, eevee. You’re night immune and not confirmed at all to be the Redeemed and not the Source yourself, especially as Polik has been feeding Paper results to you.

Consider it as

Hippo - Kitsune
Luxx - Corruptor

Me vs Moleland - 1 vs 1, where one is source.

Fine by me.

@Methnor - actually, Noz can confirm me as non-source in a way.

Remember that I got a sword and someone tried to occupy me that night? (Probably it was Orange occupy on killing action thing, unless someone else claims it)
They can confirm that I went out that day after all. Noz gets results on whom were used his items.

I’d like for @Ami to do that then just to ease my mind.

I never got results

Why the hell do you think I’m source? :confused:

Did you ask Alfa about it?
I mean, I claimed that day that I used that sword on PKR.

a) Polik’s results
b) You was meant to kill one of suspected 3 people.
c) In extra safe way, you would be able to attack me to confirm yourself (name on immunity), wich you didn’t either, cause Insanity would get your name due to swaps.

But I would have killed Insanity had I actually attacked you. And I thought you said the check came back green?