SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

(alfa what i meant was invite me to the role chats and just let me observe, not really doing anything to affect the game without your/fade’s/plex’s permission)
(its cool though, i just wanted to clarify)

Just send it here in thread.

/confirm forgot xp

Eevee why should we trust you ;p @eevee


I like my Class. I hardclaim NKMod

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Are multiple evil factions possible for this game?

From 19 players? Who knows.

Don’t be sorry. It’s fine! School does get hectic at times. I’ll remind you again during my half term or whenever you’re free, if you’re still cool with it.

If not, then that’s also fine. Just have fun when you can and keep drawing those amazing deathnotes (mainly cute wolves or animals~)

When did you join?



sent your stuff ;3

Yup! hug

Geez I’m forgetting all my children lel

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The answer is - yes Im immune to death when popcorning.

Wich means… #YOLO killing. At best I will kill the neutral killing, cause lol.

Nk won’t visit you now

I will force them




@Unknown waiting on you

Anyway I feel my class is a special case of let’s troll with Luxx