SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

That’s ten votes, that should be majority yeah?


Btw, yay, Hippo is back :stuck_out_tongue:


I think that’s Majority.

My defense?

I claimed day 1 to not have people come to me via accident.
I promised to scumhunt and kill scum.

I’m not sure what you want more from me.
Would you really prefer unknown corn in castle, killing people randomly over a claimed one wich decided to help?
Do you really prefer neitral who can ONLY steal journals over one wich can activly kill scummy people? Or over actual scumhunting?

See now why this lynch is beneficial for scum and do have scum on it? Cause wasting a lynch on role wich was open enough and can kill them.
You are not even scumhunting. This lynch is just becouse.

What info does it give you? You lynched survivor claim.
What benefits does it give you? You lynch killer role wich workes with BD since day 1.
Maybe…? No! You started a wagon without much discussion, few minutes into the day.

I literaly laugh from how bad is this wagon.

Oh yea, and I lied about popcorning n1. Wasn’t gonna to do it anyway, but kept killers away from me.

That should actually prove that I’m not willing to kill people at random but seriously was willing to pick up scummy ones.

I only want anyone on my wagon to find a good reason for lynching Corn, who promised to work with BD and claimed it openly day 1, while we were only few hours into the day.


Yeah, I don’t know. I admit to sheeping Frostwolf because of what he said but afterwards I realized that it makes no sense that you redirected him to kill a BD.
The only other reason would be that we have no other lynches today and I don’t know if it’s a good enough one.
I’m willing to pardon this once the trial starts I think.
(and before anyone says anything I’m day-provable BD, this isn’t a scum move)

You know. A fair amount of the people voting you are probably scum themselves. As far as thier concerned youjave declared to.be thier enemy but they are using the fact that You are neutral as an excuse.

Eevee is no survivor class type I am positive.

Lying get you killed eventually.

Eevee is on the stand

So so .

Let’s kill him i guess i mean he is corn if i am right.


I am dying thanks to Eevee since first night.

Scumhunting my foot, you are looking at Blue Dragon Killer.

Your death shall be glorious.

This absolute refusal to listen to reason is weird, Frostwolf. You seem pretty certain it’s his fault even though there’s plenty of classes that can redirect you.

@Methnor I am absolute positive on my DM I wanted to kill Eevee rather than RopeStringFace.

And again I say there’s a bunch of classes that can change your target, even if you aren’t targetting them.
Did your night results say “For whatever reason, you instead visited Rope”?

Nope, all I got is “You attacked a blue dragon”

There’s no way Eevee got attacked and healed.

He got my attention and lived.

Admit you got attacked Eevee, and I will consider even.