SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

What mark/role?

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Holy hell.
Officially declaring intent to step up as King.
I’m the Retainer.

I’m trying to work out what faction we have.
Sadly no signs yet.

Slept peacefully.

Also, glad we have someone bd stepping up as king. Though Orange said it should be considered scummy?

I would prefer to believe you though to be the retainer.

Nuclear was a Psychopathic King belonging to the Corrupt faction. So I’m assuming it’s them unless it’s a Multiball.

I know, that’s why I didn’t step up yet, just declared intentions and my class so people can discuss. :slight_smile:

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I’ve read through the Corrupted class cards a bit more closely, let me dispel something right now: The Source has (effective) Royal Blood, but if you guys are concerned that that’s what I am, I invite the White Agent to use Great Cleansing on me (it can target the King and if he hits the Source with it, all the Corrupt instantly die) at their leisure to prove myself.

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If we don’t figure out any execution targets might I suggest myself

Witch isn’t priority yet

can you read I said just stepping up is scummy ffs

Announcing intent to step up and your role is much less scummy than just instantly stepping up.

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I apologize, this was a bit harsh. Just woke up and didn’t consider the strength of an all-lowercase rant :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is it just me who seriously thinks that people have no concept of prioritising?
We need to prioritise witch Jammy.
Like… It’s not that difficult to understand.
Bomber = #1 priority.
At worst, if we’re just concentrating on the Bomber, we’d have 3/4/5 scum depending on which one rolls.

Wait, that’s a faction???

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Also has their deep blue color so yeah. I guess he was regular Psycho King that’s aligned with them, not one of the special Kings they have if one of their doods steps up.

PKR don’t you understand the concept that 3 days is more than 1 day

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Woah shit

That’s a powerful faction

Yeah can their counter please check Meth?

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Here’s the thing.
I don’t know if White Agent can normally check the King, and his ability that kills all of them is only 1-shot. While I’d happily have him use it on me to prove I’m not the Source, that means we lose an extremely strong ability.

Point out the obvious, why don’t you?
Whilst 3 days is more than 1 day.
The scum factions in 3 nights can kill 3 people.
The witch, if not killed in these 3 days, kills 15 people - Night Kills

We have 3 days to find the witch
After today we will have used 1 day
Ergo we can focus on finding other evils today, and if we’re feeling exceptionally wild, tomorrow as well, as after 2 days we will still have 1 day

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